• 3 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • In my personal experience, basically no insurance in America is worth anything.

    Nothing you would actually need insurance to cover ends up being covered, or, it covers a huge portion of an absurd cost which is only so absurd because of basically a corrupt cost inflation feedback loop between insurers and providers that you end up personally paying prices that are absurd to all but the very well off.

    It ends up just being further cost requirements to basically exist, which means if you are poor fuck you, die.

    Oh you want to challenge your insurance and force them to actually cover something?

    Hire a lawyer! Those are cheap!

  • Pack 100 of compsognathus (compsognathii?) says hello.

    Not sure how out of date the research is, but in the original Jurassic Park book, there are roaming packs of these things that overwhelm and kill people.

    Though the on screen scene of them killing people happens in the second movie, it actually takes place in the first book IIRC… anyway, they’re basically depicted as land piranhas.

    (Again, IIRC, Jurassic Park the book basically gets set in motion with a family of tourists being eviscerated by a pack of compys… but the first movie dropped this from the story, then when the second movie comes out they basically use this scene as the intro for that, but its on a different island and used to set off an entirely new story?)

  • Yeah, its infuriating that punk has become a suffix.

    There is nothing punk about steampunk, dieselpunk, atompunk. They are just fantasy technological scenarios / art styles.

    Cyberpunk has an both a recognizable aesthetic and a whole lot of political, social and philosophical views baked into it. You get the punks in cyberpunk as either a direct ideological opposition to the power of corporations, or as an indirect result of said corpos creating a hell world for 99% of people.

    There is nothing inherently rebellious about worlds or characters within worlds with more prevalent / advanced steam or diesel or nuclear power.

    Solarpunk arguably has some actual punk to it if you actually try to follow the idea of personally minimizing your fossil fuel usage, but mostly its a utopian or post-dystopian setting / art style.

    Its now like -gate being affixed to any kind of publicized controversy.

    Most people do not understand what Watergate even was and why it was so significant.

  • I’m from the wet side of the PNW and we have all of those as well, excepting possibly northern widows, I’ve not heard of those.

    I’ve spent weeks in cabins and lived in houses and apartments all over WA.

    Every single time I have ever seen a spider in a house or apartment, its been something that is totally harmless to humans.

    Out in the boonies? Sure, thats where you’ll actually run into some dangerous things.

    That being said, I’ve never lived in MN, perhaps dangerous spiders are a more serious threat in urban/suburban areas, and yeah, climate change fucks up everything.

    Something absolutely absurd started happening a few years ago, right in the middle of Seattle, like 2 blocks from a main road:


    I’ve seen coyotes out in the foothills occasionally, on trails far from cities, in the brush on the east side of the state.

    But… basically that heat wave a few years back, and wildfires and droughts managed to drive a population of coyotes into residential areas of Seattle, likely hunting the rabbits.

    That was pretty stunning to me.

  • Unless I am mistaken, aren’t basically every kind of Tarantula you can keep as a pet non venomous?

    I’m the kind of person that’ll take basically any kind of spider save a black widow and just put it outside while my gf is screaming at 115db to murder it and will then be angry with me for 3 days that I didn’t.

    Poor tarantula.

    Oh right, this ‘politician’ is an amazing argument for lowering housing costs such that people can afford studios instead of living with crazy ‘main character’ people like this.

  • Its possible they could last long enough for some kind of rescue mission, assuming they were in the cabin and not blown out into space.

    Fairly sure the payload bay does not have windows.

    Or they may have been able to rendezvous with the ISS and live there, assuming the damage was only to the shuttle bay.

    They’d certainly die if they attempted to re enter the atmosphere.

    Though, judging by how small the earth is… they seem to be significantly higher in earth orbit than any shuttle missions I am aware of?