Nessel has been married to Alanna Maguire since the year the court found gay and lesbian couples could wed nationwide in a landmark Obergefell v. Hodges ruling.
No that’s not their goal. That’s what they want the Rubes to think of. They want their marks to think of a cornball Leave it to Beaver fictional world. That’s not the age they want to take America back to again. They’re shooting for the Gilded Age. They want to go back to being able to lock you in a factory. They want your children working from dawn until dusk.
No that’s not their goal. That’s what they want the Rubes to think of. They want their marks to think of a cornball Leave it to Beaver fictional world. That’s not the age they want to take America back to again. They’re shooting for the Gilded Age. They want to go back to being able to lock you in a factory. They want your children working from dawn until dusk.