What does that even mean? Is that a roundabout way of saying that this guy deserved to be assaulted and that a homeowner can, or should be able to, physically harm anyone in their home for any reason simply because they own it?
You sure the guy who was assaulted didn’t live there? It seems they quoted the homeowner right in the headline as saying “I let my friends live in my garage for months.”
It seems like you’re Just making up your own story and your own facts at this point.
What does that even mean? Is that a roundabout way of saying that this guy deserved to be assaulted and that a homeowner can, or should be able to, physically harm anyone in their home for any reason simply because they own it?
You sure the guy who was assaulted didn’t live there? It seems they quoted the homeowner right in the headline as saying “I let my friends live in my garage for months.”
It seems like you’re Just making up your own story and your own facts at this point.