I recently replayed MGS1 for psx and then MGS2 for PS2. I just started up MGS3 and I cannot get into it.

I think I often read that people love MGS3, but I think MGS1 has the most interesting story and levels. I also think the bosses in MGS1 were much more fun than they were in MGS2.

Am I in the minority here? What other games would you recommend that capture the MGS1 vibe?

  • zod000@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    I’d claim MGS1 may simply be the best game released on PS1 over all, but I am not sure I can objectively say it’s the best of the series. Every main line game in the series that followed has some legit reasons to possibly claim they are better (I’m give a slight edge to 3 or maybe V personally). And which game did I play the most? Metal Gear for the NES, the flawed thing that it is was just go fun once you got good at it, like all the Metal Gear games.