Yeah, they are realy infuriating. They are so bad at giving a good old Sieg heil. Like, half of them are using the wrong arm!!! AOC is so shy about it, she has to smuggle it in wirh a hug. Bush shows how high is dog can jump, its such a low effort.
The only realy good nazi Salut is by Mr Musk here, for sure. Shame the others fumbled theirs so bad.
Yeah, they are realy infuriating. They are so bad at giving a good old Sieg heil. Like, half of them are using the wrong arm!!! AOC is so shy about it, she has to smuggle it in wirh a hug. Bush shows how high is dog can jump, its such a low effort.
The only realy good nazi Salut is by Mr Musk here, for sure. Shame the others fumbled theirs so bad.