For instance, I have 2 HP CP1518ni’s. They print well and have an auxiliary tray. They have WIFI, Ethernet, and USB. The toner refills are dirt cheap on Amazon. This model printer is old Govt surplus and are sold for $150-$250 range fully rebuilt all over the net. I also have my original HP PSC 1200 from 2000 and it is a great scanner and also makes great photocopies direct from the machine with no computer needed. 25 years and still going strong.

TLDR: There is no need to get these new machines that force you to buy HP toner and ink, get a refurb older HP laserjet instead.

    21 days ago

    If you wanted to use an old printer, why buy an HP one? Even buying a used one indirectly supports HP. If there’s a secondhand market for HP printers, then they’ll have more value when sold as new. New cars wouldn’t sell so well if their value, rather than only taking a big hit, literally went to zero as soon as you drove them off the lot.

    Simply having an HP printer, even a used one, also serves as an advertisement for them. Every time someone visits you and sees your printer, they’ll be reminded of the brand’s existence. Having and using one, even an old one, is a constant minor free advertising for HP.

    If you already have an old HP printer that’s working well for you, I wouldn’t recommend trashing it and buying a new one just for the reasons above. There’s environmental concerns to consider. But if you’re looking to buy a used printer, why buy an HP? There’s plenty of other good brands out there that don’t engage is such evil.