‘Our nurses, teachers, firefighters, librarians ... are not, as the world’s richest man implies, genocidal murderers,’ fires back angry union president
By reliable accounts some of Hitler’s last words were him expressing that while sad he didn’t really improve anything for Germany, at least he killed millions of Jews. Hitler wanted the credit.
Yeah, and people don’t get more serious about shoving racists and neo nazis face in it. Hitler was a meth head with a deformed penis who blew his brains out cowaring in fear as Mel Brooks drove a tank into Berlin. Dude was shit, and no he didn’t ‘‘at least do good things for Germany’’ he ensured their destruction by being a military tactical dumbass starting all these wars all at once, then using all kinds of resources rounding up Jews, building factories to exterminate people, lowering their population as they ran out of soldiers. Do you know how fucking stupid you have to be to do things this way? No one was ever like ‘‘hay maybe if we just stop rounding up Jews with a huge amount of guys and building extermination camps we could have a few more soldiers and bombs to fight with’’ no. They just pretended it made sense and kept following his orders even when they new it was bullshit, AND they let him intentionally send units to their deaths for ‘‘not fighting hard enough’’ to win using his dumb fucking tactics. This guy was fucking stupid, the whole idealogy of following ONE dude no matter what is the most idiotic system of government possible.
By reliable accounts some of Hitler’s last words were him expressing that while sad he didn’t really improve anything for Germany, at least he killed millions of Jews. Hitler wanted the credit.
Wow, I know I’m saying this about Hitler, but… this guy was a total fucking monster.
Yeah, and people don’t get more serious about shoving racists and neo nazis face in it. Hitler was a meth head with a deformed penis who blew his brains out cowaring in fear as Mel Brooks drove a tank into Berlin. Dude was shit, and no he didn’t ‘‘at least do good things for Germany’’ he ensured their destruction by being a military tactical dumbass starting all these wars all at once, then using all kinds of resources rounding up Jews, building factories to exterminate people, lowering their population as they ran out of soldiers. Do you know how fucking stupid you have to be to do things this way? No one was ever like ‘‘hay maybe if we just stop rounding up Jews with a huge amount of guys and building extermination camps we could have a few more soldiers and bombs to fight with’’ no. They just pretended it made sense and kept following his orders even when they new it was bullshit, AND they let him intentionally send units to their deaths for ‘‘not fighting hard enough’’ to win using his dumb fucking tactics. This guy was fucking stupid, the whole idealogy of following ONE dude no matter what is the most idiotic system of government possible.