TL;DR: I wonder why we always have the same 2 posts as top posts of the day. They appear a bit unnecessary and mildly annoying to me.
Do you think the same? Or do you like them, and can explain me why, so I can change my view?
Please don’t just blindly downvote, writing this post took a lot of time. And if you feel the need to do it anyway, tell me why first.

Maybe I am the only person who thinks that.
I probably am, at least according to numbers.

Basically, I’ve got the feeling that every top post of the day for the last weeks is something like “I’ve freed myself from evil Windows’ shackles and finally switched to Linux.”, or “What distro do you recommend?”.

Don’t get me wrong.
I feel super happy for every newcomer discovering the wonderful world of Linux and FOSS.
I, just like most others here, always try to help them in finding their right distro and guiding them in their first steps.
We all have been there.
And I’m super proud of us all, as a community, that we happily embrace every new member. We definitely have to keep that behaviour, it’s what connects us and makes us strong.

I just think we should redirect them a bit onto the specific communities.
Not by banning or censoring, just as friendly reminder, e.g. by a sticky post, comments like “Hey, check out !” or something else.

It doesn’t help much if there are the same threads every day, with people circlejerking on hating Windows and recommending Mint a hundred times, just like 100 people before did on the same thread.

I hate Windows too, but it feels like we’re identifying and comparing ourselves with the bitter ex-partner we had a while ago. No, not being Windows shouldn’t be the main reason Linux is great.
There are so many great posts and discussions, that are all going missing in this swamp of “Winblows bad, hehe”.
We should focus on what makes our software great, and not what the “bad ex-partner” did wrong.

Same with newcomer posts.
I think if the posters get redirected to the correct sub, they will receive more help, since the people partaking in the community are there because they wanna see exactly that.

At the same time, I’m afraid this would undermine our openness and friendliness of this community, and result in being as shitty as Reddits’ sub.

!Just as an anecdote, when I was a noob, I posted a question there, and, like 5 minutes later, I got a dozen of non-constructive, offensive comments. 10 minutes later, my post got removed. This was my first contact to the Linux world btw. Guess who switched back to Windows for another half year because of that?
We have to prevent this at any costs.
Anyway… !<

I really enjoy this community here and wanna keep it this great.
I just wanted to ask you, what you think about those everyday-top-posts.
If you like them, please try to change my mind and explain me why :)

Edit/ Additional stuff/ Learnings:

  • I don’t hate those “I switched to Linux”-posts, just to clarify. They’re fine for me, they just feel like white noise. But I’ve read many times in this thread that a lot of people enjoy those posts. If that’s the case, I’m totally fine! :)
  • I think putting those posts in a weekly sticky thread could be worth an idea? Then everyone could describe their experience of this week of switching from one distro to another, e.g. “My first week of Gentoo” or something like this. Would be an interesting read for everyone.
  • I also believe those “Fuck Windows”-posts can be kind of therapeutic for some people, since Windows became really shitty and annoying in the last years. And when you feel the relieve from finally getting rid of it, you tell that everyone. Understandable.
  • Splitting the community isn’t the best idea too. We can always learn from each other and I like the diversity of this community.
  • Thank you for your kind and constructive answers! ✌️
    9 months ago

    I don’t really mind either way whether these posts are allowed to remain or should be culled.

    If you keep them around, they will just keep shitting up the feed. The overall browsing quality of the community goes down, hindering the user experience. I don’t think it’s uncontroversial to say these posts have next to no value; they’re essentially equivalent to birthday notifications or “I voted” stickers. Like… congrats! You and everyone else! Now what? Where’s the discussion here?

    On the other hand, I do want to think thrice about controlling this with moderation. All too often on Reddit I’ve see the trope of a sub that appears to be crawling, and you get the idea to join in with an enthusiastic post, only to get removedsmacked by automod because you posted this on the wrong day of the week, or this post type is outright banned because the community is sick of seeing it. It’s sensible, yes. But ugh, what a demoralizing filter for newcomers. Overly curated subs/communities are not public forums, they are increasingly impenetrable cliques. That may not necessarily be a bad thing if we think the tradeoff is worth it. But we have to keep in mind what we become when we make that trade.

    The one thing I will say willl absolutely not help anything at all is making a designated containment community for this specific kind of post. The whole complaint here is rooted in there being no discussion value for these types of posts. You think a community comprised entirely of those would be a community anyone would want to post in? It’d largely be the Lemmy equivalent of a donotreply@ email address. A dumping ground where unwanted posts go to die. And I don’t know about anyone else, but somehow I find being directed to a designated dead-end forum by mods is an even bigger slap to the face than simply having my post removed.

  • Not at all. You seem to think there’s a more appropriate forum for people to join the Linux community, and introduces. Where is that? And how do new Linux users find it? Knowing nothing about Linux distros, where should they ask about distros? Distrowatch catalogs 274 distributions - how do newbies navigate those?

    I do think having a “which distro” stickie or sidebar would be handy, but I don’t at all mind the “I ditched Windows” posts. It beats random venting, ranting, and flame wars.

    9 months ago

    I don’t mind them any more than I mind a bunch of other dumb posts that people feel compelled to share for reasons I don’t understand.

    And a lot of them do seem earnest, like they’re showing off a macaroni picture they’re super proud of.

    If my adult roommate came home and showed me a macaroni picture they’re super proud of, I probably wouldn’t be personally impressed, but I would be happy for them that they’ve found something they like and are proud of.

    9 months ago

    I feel like limiting or discouraging them would really hurt adoption.

    Many times people share their use cases.

    If someone with similar use cases finds out “wait, it us possible for me yo use Linux?” they could become tomorrow’s post.

    9 months ago

    I like seeing the posts of people finding comfort with their new linux installs even tho they might appear a couple of times.

    Linux is still considered a niche so the most likelihood of the newer folk appearing is higher then the more experienced ones. Also I wasn’t always experienced and if it wasn’t for newbie friendly content I wouldn’t be here helping other people as well.

    After all, information doesn’t spawn out of thin air, it requires someone to carry and distribute it so that other people become also educated in those ways.

    Which is way I find weird finding some people say “people are dumb they should do x, y or z cause its better” but then they don’t provide any information and expect others to also know what they already know/have learned recently.

    In conclusion, sharing is caring and I don’t mind people sharing their experiences which also helps others on the same situation.

    9 months ago

    No I don’t mind them. I am a linux noob myself and these kinds of posts are what helped me decide to switch.

    While we’re complaining, you know what I don’t like? Completely incomprehensible posts about some super specific subsystem. “fdplq updated to 0.5.pi.007.69!” Wow, that will change my life the next time I boot up my computer to read some Lemmy and play a game for an hour or two.

    But they are all part of the linux community. I’m not gonna say the way I use linux is any better or worse than anyone else.

    And fortunately, nobody is forcing us to click on those posts we don’t care about.

    9 months ago

    I find them mildly annoying, but generally tune them out.

    The offensive responses, are much worse. Linux users can VERY much be a “boys club” and treat newcomers as lower life forms.

    9 months ago

    For me I’d rather people post something over nothing even if it’s the same post to us it’s clearly something the poster felt was important to them.

  • Chris
    9 months ago

    I don’t mind them. If this type of social media had existed when I first installed Linux 24 years ago, I would have probably done the same thing.

    9 months ago

    I really don’t get why anyone would be annoyed about this specifically when recurring topics and posts are just pretty common… about litterally anything. I find it even more weird since it’s about people ditching windows (I mean how many topics and posts hating on windows, praising Linux, suggesting Linux, and whatever else…just lots and lots, and somehow people are fine with that, so why would it be any different here ?)

    Beside, people just want to share things, regardless if others did exactly the same an hour or a decade ago. Why care when it’s just so easy to move on to something you’d be more interested in ?

    One thing I do find tiresome more than anything within the Linux community though is talks about noobs like they are some cringe childs being boring and acting childishly…everyone have been noobs seriously, even you mentioned toxicity and the lack of openness/friendliness towards noobs if we ostracized them…yet you are suggesting it anyway. I get noobs aren’t always fun but come on ! And about newcommer posts…noobs will seek help wherever they can seek it, having another place to help them is not going to change that, so we might just as well help them and redirect them to helping sites anyway.

    9 months ago

    I don’t remember seeing a single one, so they’re probably not annoying me.

    Exaggerated complaint posts about non problems there are way to many, though.

    9 months ago

    There’s a huge middle ground between constant reposts about the same topic and hostility to new users. Megathreads have often been the solution to that particular problem. I don’t know if Lemmy has a merge functionality, though. It seems like the mod tools are kind of limited.

      1 month ago

      I kinda wish there was a meaningful separator in lemmy, like ‘.’, that could be used to make subforums.

      Like, ‘linux’ would see everything from ‘’, ‘linux.noobs’, etc.

      Then make “Linux” the landing zone, and have links to subforums in the sidebar. Maybe even restrict posting to subforums.

      People could subscribe to Linux as a whole and block specific subtopics, or subscribe only to certain subtopics.

      But yeah, Mod tools would be good.