
In our continuous pursuit of a world where digital access and freedom are unalienable rights, the imperative to embark on a bold, collaborative journey towards creating a 100% free firmware/free software-based computer has never been more critical. This initiative, transcending beyond mere technological innovation, represents a fundamental pillar in spreading democratic values globally. It invites a concerted effort from nations like the United States, alongside international partners, to champion this cause as a testament to our collective commitment to democracy, accessibility, and economic sustainability.

Economic Sustainability and Accessibility

The proposition of developing and distributing a computer that runs entirely on free software is not only a technological breakthrough but a significant economic opportunity. By leveraging the principles of free software, we ensure that the resulting technology is accessible, modifiable, and distributable by anyone, thereby drastically reducing costs associated with proprietary licenses and hardware constraints. Such cost efficiency makes it economically impractical for any nation to reject this technology, promising a broader reach and deeper impact in bridging the digital divide.

A Democratic Imperative

The essence of democracy is rooted in the freedom of choice and the right to privacy. A globally funded initiative to create a 100% free software computer epitomizes these principles, ensuring that every global citizen can access technology that is inherently designed to be free from government or corporate surveillance and control. This endeavor aligns perfectly with the vision of spreading democracy, as it empowers individuals with the tools for communication, education, and participation in the global digital ecosystem, free from undue interference.

Addressing International Concerns

Critics may argue that such an initiative could inadvertently benefit countries with contrasting political agendas, such as China and Russia, by providing them with advanced technology that could be repurposed. However, this perspective overlooks the transformative power of free software in fostering individual empowerment and autonomy. By making this technology universally accessible, we support the global populace in asserting their rights and freedoms, even within restrictive regimes. The focus is not on the geopolitical chessboard but on uplifting every individual, regardless of their government’s stance on digital freedom.

The Role of the United States and International Community

As a nation that champions the values of freedom and democracy, the United States, alongside other democratic countries, has a pivotal role to play in this initiative. By investing in and supporting the development of a 100% free software computer, we not only advance technological innovation but also reinforce our commitment to spreading democratic ideals. This effort requires a multi-faceted approach, including financial investment, diplomatic engagement, and collaborative research and development, to bring this vision to fruition.

Call to Action

The path to creating a globally accessible, free software-based computer is fraught with challenges, yet it is imbued with the potential for unprecedented global transformation. It calls for an unwavering commitment from all stakeholders involved, from government entities to private sector innovators and civil society advocates. Together, we can dismantle the barriers that stand between millions of people and their right to freely access and engage with the digital world.

As we move forward, let us anchor our efforts in the understanding that technology should serve humanity’s highest ideals—freedom, equality, and democracy. I invite you to join this noble endeavor, to contribute your expertise, resources, and voice to a movement that promises not just a technological revolution, but a leap forward in making our world more open, equitable, and free.

  • haui@lemmy.giftedmc.com
    7 months ago

    Yes, you‘re too pessimistic imo but the core critique seems valid to me.

    We need everyone to bombard everyone they know with one message:

    „Billionaires (companies and individuals) need to be disowned and the money used to feed those who dont have food and shelter those who dont have shelter“.

    We will still have trillions to spare but this is the highest priority right fucking now and we have a lot more power than we think, especially if we shut the fuck up infighting and instead start to prioritize.

    Because rn, if you have shelter and food, you should be fighting to decapitate the 1% and shove that downward and let it trickle up.

    Edit: before the obvious „but companies will move away!!!“ yes, they might, but to where? There is no country where people dont think this and the few psychopaths who would take advantage of this cant do shit against the quiet majority. Also, i hope they move away because if Starbucks (i.e.) is gone in a country, guess what, somebody else will take over and make money instead.