Search history? nah, who cares.
Calculator history? plz don’t look, i promise i’m good at math.Nah, at worst I’m just searching for things I should reasonably know like “do I need to cook X before eating” or something. Why would I ever search for something weird with my search history on?
One day there will be a worm that goes around the internet and will be able to link each comment and/or post to the actual physical person that made them. A global database will be created where anyone can look up an individual person and see everything they’ve posted on the internet, even if it was behind an anonymous username.
I don’t doubt that. And I do fear it. And I’m pretty sure they’re already doing it, but the Mass public doesn’t have access to it yet, because every time I establish an account somehow Google tries to get involved. You know Google could be that worm to connect everything.
I don’t like it because I thrive in anonymity and although I never do anything wrong (like literally if you run a background check on me, it comes back squeaky clean)
whatever the case, I just feel more freedom with anonymity, you know what I mean? That’s why I try so hard to not affiliate all my new usernames with Google, but it’s all tied together because even if you try to separate Google from anything, they still find a way to get in there.
You can’t hide secrets from the future, with math you can try, but I bet in the future they laugh at the half assed schemes and algorithm you amassed to enhance your cryptographs from the past
They got alien technology to make the rainbow tables with.
Not possible search history get deleted every time I close the browser.
My search history is permanently deleted every time I close the browser. So no, I wouldn’t be embarassed at the 20 or so searches I did today
I have a habbit of searching my own name a few times a week and sorting by new, to check if my name appears somewhere. It makes sense to me, but I would be self-conscious about it if someone asked me why tf I am looking myself up so often as if I’m famous
My full name is the same as that of a comic book character in an obscure comic book. I don’t have any major social media accounts, so most of the results that come up are of that character.
When I was younger, I’d be mortified. Now? “If into the archives you go, only pain will you find.” You didn’t have to look, so that’s on you, my dude.
Not a chance I’d be embarrassed. I look up a ton of how to videos and hours upon hours of research on best tools for the job. If anything they’d get bored unless they’re planning to do some car repairs.
Nothing I haven’t already deleted!
Is Pornhub a search engine? Cause my queries on there would probably raise some eyebrows.
Oh do Please list them all here 😛
I’ll set the mood for you, here, start with this:
To be honest law enforcement (at least in the IT department of things) would be pretty used to anything at this point so why feel embarrassed?
You’ll probably be added to a tally on the wall listed with examples such as: ‘How to blow your own dick?’ or ‘Another Bronie.’ or ‘Wiki rabbit hole addict.’
I’m sure they’d be thrilled to look into my wanting better turn signals for my car and turn signals at all for my bike.
Librewolf be like:
Assuming it magically can get my search history despite incognito, vpn etc I’d probably just ask them not to look at it, Embarrassing maybe but nothing that would get me in any trouble and anyone whose opinion I care about I trust wouldn’t want to see it anyway
Only a scrub would search something embarrassing and not delete it afterwards, or just use a web browser that deletes it every session
or they live alone and never share their devices with anyone.
or they live openly & freely and DGAF what other people think about their browsing history
But now you’ve put a song in my head 🤣