I built this garden shed to hold potting supplies and lawn tools for my bonsai garden. It was a fun exercise playing with the nail gun and I didn’t even stab myself. The shed definitely is not plumb or square, but it hasn’t fallen over yet so I’m pleased.
As a recent shed connoisseur, I am pleased to inform you that you have a very nice shed there.
Gracias señor Noodle.
Well gosh darn it that shit is really fucking pretty congratulations good job
Ty. Just got to touch up the paint.
You have plans or similar you’d be willing to share? This is amazing
No plans per se, because much of it was conjured up from my imagination, but I could send you a few reference videos that I learned from and a list of the materials that I used.
That would be amazing!
If it’s as sturdy as it looks, you’ve got an excellent shed for years to come. This is way better than what people in my country usually build for similar purposes. You should not compare your DIY work with the mass-produced designs.
Thank you. It’s framed with 2x4s and placed on ground treated lumber, so I hope it’ll last five or six years.
I really like the door.
Thanks, it took me ages to settle on a design and pick out some hardware for it.
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As someone who’s naturally anal retentive I would say repeated DIY projects have convinced me minor deviations are usually unimportant given everyone, even the honest asshole, seems unable to spot them w/o my assistance. Even then it’s 50/50 whether they think they’re obvious.
Long story long… Your shed looks great, it’s simple yet has some interesting details, & I’m sure it’ll stand for many years to come!
Agreed to this. Also, when showing it off, don’t follow the instinct of needing to point out each flaw!
Resistance is futile
Everyone often overstates their little mistakes, but you’re right, they’re rarely noticed. Just think of every blemish being a lesson you’ll remember for next time.
Thank you, here’s hoping you’re right.
What’s in the shed buddy? Surely not garden tools?!
I’ll never tell! Where’s your warrant?!
FOIA request, Bub!!
CIA weed was the idea that I thought was a joke.
Very nice. It can sometimes be difficult to balance utility and anesthetics without one impacting the other, but it looks like you’ve pulled it off really well
I, too, find it difficult to balance on anesthesia.
That is so cool! Here i am dreaming of a stock standard sheet metal shed, when i could be planning something like this!
It was a challenge, and cost me about $1,800 for all the materials and tools. It took longer than expected, but in the end I’m very happy with it. Plus I learned a lot.
You should be very happy with the job, well worth it.
Amazing work! You made that whoever thing yourself? What an accomplishment!
I’m interested in making doors. How is it built?
The door is just a sheet of half inch plywood with some fence boards screwed and secured from the back inside. I used to jigsaw to cut a circle roughly the size of that window, which I bought on Amazon. The small lattice is just made from cedar planks that I glued and Brad nailed together.
My brain read that as “learn to shred”.
That is gorgeous.
Great looking shed! Congrats!
Ty stranger
I love the way the paint color and wood finish compliment eachother! The shed is super cute. Looks like a good size too.
What’s the inside like? Any built in shelves or other cool things?
Nothing too fancy yet. I’m looking at getting a little solar light to hang inside. I did put up a little pegboard and some basic shelves.
It looks beautiful. Did you design it yourself, or purchase some plans? Did you make that awesome door?
I looked at about a dozen different designs and YouTube videos before drawing this one. The door is custom, and my wife helped me design the little lattice accent. God bless you YouTube academy.
Wow, you’re quite the craftsman. That door is beautiful.