• halyk.the.red@lemmy.ml
    6 months ago

    The imagery that comes to mind is a special israeli kid facing a football goal, ball at his feet. Behind the kid with the ball is an american, cheering him on and encouraging him. Across from them is an iranian goalkeeper.

    The israeli kicks the ball, the american cheers and praises as the ball slowly rolls across the grass. The iranian goalkeeper dives dramatically in the wrong direction, allowing the ball to roll in.

    The american raises the drooling israeli child onto his shoulders while the stadium erupts into praise and celebration of the kid’s accomplishment.

  • regul@lemm.ee
    6 months ago

    Israel already did their strike, and it actually had casualties!

    Iran’s strike was the symbolic one.

    • SturgiesYrFase@lemmy.ml
      6 months ago

      I got confused, clicked your link and was like: Yeah…the guy is fuckin craycray…but what shoes??

      So maybe look up Iranian surplus? Or look to see who manufactures them? Maybe make friends with some people in Iran, in the military, and see how much of a bribe it would take to have some sent in your size?

      • Aria@lemmygrad.ml
        6 months ago

        Arsène is most likely referring to the Israeli flag printed on the bottom, meaning that every step you take is a step on the Israeli flag.

  • Emmie@lemm.ee
    6 months ago

    It seems like they all behave like spoiled teenage boys

    I haven’t been living for long but is this because of patriarchy or simply gender agnostic idiocy?

    Whose brilliant idea was eye for an eye again?

      • Emmie@lemm.ee
        6 months ago

        Patriarchy is quick to war and values physical aggression. If we were ruled by matriarchy the wars would be sparse and pragmatic. No dick measuring contests on geopolitical arena.

        You can disagree of course but you must surely notice that men are more prone to aggression and seek physical fights.

          • Emmie@lemm.ee
            6 months ago

            Well it’s a nifty word to prohibit certain discussions and make everyone feel ok at all times. But not talking about something won’t make it disappear.

        • Aria@lemmygrad.ml
          6 months ago

          I should hope a matriarchal society would also resort to violence in response to Israel’s violence.

        • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
          6 months ago

          If we were ruled by matriarchy the wars would be sparse and pragmatic. No dick measuring contests on geopolitical arena.

          Stop being pro matriarchy. You are being misandrist. This is why it is dangerous to support feminism, since it no longer is about equality. It is a gender supremacist movement, just like redpill movement.

          • Aria@lemmygrad.ml
            6 months ago

            Whether a corruption of or supremacist splinter of the feminist movement exists should not dissuade you from supporting the true feminist movement. Equality has not been reached, feminism is necessarily both in material reality and ideologically in the event that equality is reached. Feminism also uplifts men in areas where men are underprivileged and is not a matriarchal or misandrist movement.

            • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
              6 months ago

              Feminism also uplifts men

              All I see from feminists is “men are not our responsibility”, “all men bad/die” and what seems to be best described as thwarted belongingness. Feminism, how it is like today, does not help men in reality, only in theory books.

              This will help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COH2xBqZfZo

              The reality is feminists of today and redpillers are just opposite ends of the same spectrum, and use the same tactics of weaponising social/cultural cues and people to gain horrific advantages. Both movements keep extending the spectrum to worse levels. Who suffers? The equality cause, men, women, people from all walks of life who want none of this shit. It is literally capitalism on a cultural level.

              See, as a cis man, I do not care if it is the rads or westerners or libs doing it, because they make the bulk of feminist movement on the streets and on social media. All I care is that they get to capitalise on our suffering as men, and blame us in return for their current doings or whatever the 1% elite kings/queens did for ages.

              Give me a valid reason to separate the little wheat from so much chaff, that you say is feminism, why in real life it is not one bit the same as utopia claimed using theory, and something that harms us men while we have no support system.

              • Aria@lemmygrad.ml
                6 months ago

                I watched the 20 minute podcast you linked and I remain unconvinced by your position. I don’t shy away from the reality that men are disproportionality represented amongst those who have committed suicide. But this isn’t an anti-feminist position. The gendered nature of suffering and conditions that lead to suicide are precisely what feminism is about and works to destroy.

                ‘The feminists of today’ are not predominately radfems and terfs and Tumblr agitators. I can’t provide statistics on this, as I assume you also can’t, but they aren’t popular positions I regularly encounter in my life. Though I do also encounter them. Feminism is a mature movement with theory and scores of academic study. It’s not so niche that it can easily be co-opted by a few years of malicious branding. If you feel it has, I recommend changing your scene. If you do a good faith dive into feminist theory, feminist academia, or a local organisation, you’ll find empathetic people analysing through a lens of intersectionality or dialecticism.

                While women’s issues get far more coverage and mindshare, that’s simply because women have a larger role in the movement than men, and women naturally are more cognisant and affected by women’s issues. Men’s issues are fully the responsibility and care of all feminists. Sometimes there are just biases and blind spots. Men don’t need their own movement, and neither does pretending patriarchy doesn’t exist solve any of men’s problems, or help your women comrades.

                And I do recognise that the capitalist system both attacks and attempts to co-opt feminism. But they only do this because feminism is a threat to capitalism. By not engaging and fighting for feminism, that co-opting can take place.

                With all of that said, I’m not hugely well read or invested in this area of the proletariat liberation. If another comrade would like to chime in, that would be helpful. But to cover my shortcomings, I’d like to point you towards the Revolutionary Feminism community on Lemmygrad.
                Will you please consider visiting and having a chat with the folks there?

                • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
                  6 months ago

                  I already have my reasonable message removed above, and grad left a bad taste in my mouth last year regarding the situation of men and their rights. It is always about reading theory, which does not seem to concern men, or atleast in real world there is horrific treatment and intentional isolation of men. I do not think leftists care about men at all, and will only care as long as men socially remain inferior to women and trans people. It seems almost revengeful for something most men are not even responsible for.

                  I recommend changing your scene.

                  I am not going to surround myself with feminist yesmen that are thirsty to oppress men. It creates a massive problem of confirmation bias and a disengagement from the “enemy”. Men are not some group like Nazis or pedos. It is the exact same thing redpillers do, by surrounding themselves with medieval gladiator types of stories and animal kingdom lore to deny the existence of trans people and to enforce extreme oppression of women and subordination of men.

                  Men don’t need their own movement, and neither does pretending patriarchy doesn’t exist solve any of men’s problems, or help your women comrades.

                  Patriarchy exists. And now, matriarchy also exists, and is amplified by social media disease that also houses redpillers, liberals, fascists and other factions.

                  And why do men not need a supportive movement of their own? Women should not need a movement of their own either.

                  Feminist movement is not for men, and does not concern men. It is made for women, and to bolster and protect women.

                  The leftist movement has my full geopolitical support, but I will be on the fence as far as culture gender war goes, because there is negligible concern for men.