• gomp@lemmy.ml
    6 months ago

    It’s part of a greater narrative,

    Err… it would look like It’s just an entitled idiot though?

    What suggests that this episode be related to this supposed reveal of “zionists” as fascists?

    that zionists are starting to remove the façade of civility and acting like the fascist monsters they’ve always been

    Is this just your personal impression or do you have any fact/reasoning to back up those statements?

    as it becomes increasingly clear people aren’t going to put up with their genocide.

    Actually, to me it seems that, if anything, Israel is getting away with vast-scale killing astonishingly easy.

    When was the last time anyone last killed that many civilians is such a short time with so little consequences?

    Cases likes this are popping up all over the world and it’s only going to happen more and more as they burn what little ground they have.

    An article detailing the various cases all over the world would certainly be world-news-worthy. The actions of what seems like a single entitled idiot do not.


    Right now we don’t need to throw around derogatory (and anachronistic) labels like “zionist” or “fascist” that will only add more heat to an already overheated situation. We need to stop looking backwards in time in search for justifications of our hate and instead try to look forwards to what can be done so that the immediate future be a bit less terrible than the recent past was.