I’ve been seeing a lot of talk about CachyOS recently. Has anyone here tried it? It seems interesting and I might give it a go (currently on EndeavourOS) on a spare drive in my PC.

  • d3Xt3r@lemmy.nzM
    3 months ago

    If you’re already on Arch/EOS, you don’t need to “move distros”, all you need to do (ish) is to update your pacman.conf with Cachy’s repos and run a pacman -Syuu to reinstall your packages. Oh, and you might also want to install the cachy kernel and maybe the browser for the full experience. Your files and config will remain the same, unless you plan to update/merge them - in which case, I’d recommend replacing your makepkg.conf with the one Cachy provides, for the optimised compiler flags. Other than that, there’s no significant difference between the default configs and Cachy’s. In fact, EndeavourOS actually deviates more since it uses dracut for generating the initrd, whereas Cachy, like Arch, defaults to mkinitcpio.

    Anyways, there’s not much point trying CachyOS in a VM since it’s really not that much different from EndeavourOS (from a UX point of view); the whole point of Cachy is to eke out the best performance from your system, so running it in a VM defeats the purpose.