I feel like I’ve been kind of in the loop for most of the headlines regarding this confrontation. Yet somehow I can’t find it within myself to actually care about either side. It seems like both are lead by genocidal parties, hell bent on indoctrinating their populace into hating the other side. Yet at the same time people are able to discern which state is the good one. And some going so far as to believe that one state might even be right over the other.

So far from what I’ve read and heard, it seems that overall Isreal is just more successful militarily and is encroaching on Palestinian land, and is exhibiting control over some of it. Is that the reason why one might support Palestine? Is it the fact that Isreal has more direct power in the region and thus can easily execute its will a problematic issue for some? From what I can see, both sides have caused massive civilian casualties and neither side wants a two state solution, so neither of those reasons can be a contributing factor to side picking, right? That being said, I can’t find a reason for supporting Isreal, so does Palestine win out by default? But what of the people that support Isreal, do they do that purely because they’re an American ally? Is any of this side taking have anything to do with the insertion of Jews into the region? What is expected to be done outside of a two state solution or genocide by those taking sides?

I have a lot of questions, and I obviously don’t expect all of them to be answered in a single post. So maybe focusing on the elements you’re highly informed on would be helpful and then I can kind of piece together the details. Thank you in advance!

  • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
    5 months ago

    They are in a good position to help palestinian civilians, but don’t do very much for various reasons I know relatively little about.

    Taking in millions of refugees isn’t cheap or easy. Accepting large masses of Palestinians also tends to bring a bunch of Hamas terrorists that you suddenly need to deal with. Only Egypt and Israel border the Gaza strip, and the huge wall Egypt put down hasn’t always been there. Egypt has feared the extremism growing in the Gaza strip, especially Hamas forcing out other militant groups, for quite some time now.

    Aiding Palestinian people fairly without also starting a conflict with Hamas is quite difficult, as Hamas has a tendency to loot and steal, making armed security a necessity. Even if a deal can be struck with Hamas, Israel committing war crimes against aid workers doesn’t really help either. What do you do if your truck full of food gets struck by an Israeli rocket? Shoot back? Declare war against Israel? I don’t think Egypt has the ability to fend off Israel, and I don’t think it’ll have many allies if its actions trigger a war, either.