I’m trying to set up my own Lemmy server with Docker. I think I have everything set up, but I’m getting an error Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY
. This error kind of makes sense, because I’m SSHing into my server and have not forwarded D-Bus connections, so $DISPLAY is undefined. But why does a Lemmy server need a display in the first place? Is this a bug and a display isn’t actually needed? If I set $DISPLAY to whatever, will it still run okay?
I’m starting with
sudo docker compose up -d
and my docker-compose.yml is:version: "3.7" x-logging: &default-logging driver: "json-file" options: max-size: "50m" max-file: "4" services: proxy: container_name: proxy image: docker.io/library/nginx ports: # actual and only port facing any connection from outside # Note, change the left number if port 1236 is already in use on your system # You could use port 80 if you won't use a reverse proxy - "8536:8536" volumes: - ./nginx_internal.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro,Z - ./proxy_params:/etc/nginx/proxy_params:ro,Z restart: always logging: *default-logging depends_on: - pictrs - lemmy-ui lemmy-ui: container_name: lemmy-ui image: dessalines/lemmy-ui:${LEMMY_VERSION} environment: - LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_INTERNAL_HOST=lemmy:8536 - LEMMY_UI_LEMMY_EXTERNAL_HOST=${DOMAIN} - LEMMY_UI_HTTPS=true volumes: - ./volumes/lemmy-ui/extra_themes:/app/extra_themes depends_on: - lemmy restart: always logging: *default-logging lemmy: container_name: lemmy image: dessalines/lemmy:${LEMMY_VERSION} hostname: lemmy restart: always logging: *default-logging environment: - RUST_LOG=warn volumes: - ./lemmy.hjson:/config/config.hjson:Z depends_on: - postgres - pictrs pictrs: container_name: pictrs image: docker.io/c:0.4.3 # This needs to match the pictrs url in lemmy.hjson hostname: pictrs environment: - PICTRS__MEDIA__EXTERNAL_VALIDATION=http://pictrs-safety:14051/api/v1/scan/IPADDR - PICTRS__MEDIA__VIDEO_CODEC=vp9 - PICTRS__MEDIA__GIF__MAX_WIDTH=256 - PICTRS__MEDIA__GIF__MAX_HEIGHT=256 - PICTRS__MEDIA__GIF__MAX_AREA=65536 - PICTRS__MEDIA__GIF__MAX_FRAME_COUNT=400 - PICTRS_OPENTELEMETRY_URL=http://otel:4137 - RUST_LOG=debug - RUST_BACKTRACE=full - PICTRS__API_KEY=${PICTRS_API_KEY} - PICTRS__STORE__TYPE=${PICTRS_STORE_TYPE} - PICTRS__STORE__ENDPOINT=${PICTRS_STORE_ENDPOINT} - PICTRS__STORE__BUCKET_NAME=${PICTRS_STORE_BUCKET_NAME} - PICTRS__STORE__REGION=${PICTRS_STORE_REGION} - PICTRS__STORE__USE_PATH_STYLE=${PICTRS_STORE_USE_PATH_STYLE} - PICTRS__STORE__ACCESS_KEY=${PICTRS_STORE_ACCESS_KEY} - PICTRS__STORE__SECRET_KEY=${PICTRS_STORE_SECRET_KEY} volumes: - ./volumes/pictrs:/mnt:Z user: 991:991 restart: always logging: *default-logging deploy: resources: limits: memory: 690m postgres: container_name: postgres image: docker.io/postgres:15-alpine hostname: postgres environment: - POSTGRES_USER=${POSTGRES_USER} - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} - POSTGRES_DB=${POSTGRES_DB} volumes: - ./volumes/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data:Z - ./customPostgresql.conf:/etc/postgresql.conf restart: always command: postgres -c config_file=/etc/postgresql.conf logging: *default-logging pictrs-safety: image: ghcr.io/db0/pictrs-safety:v1.2.2 hostname: pictrs-safety container_name: pictrs-safety environment: - FEDIVERSE_SAFETY_WORKER_AUTH="${PICTRS_SAFETY_WORKER_AUTH}" - FEDIVERSE_SAFETY_IMGDIR="/tmp/images" - USE_SQLITE=1 - secret_key="${PICTRS_SECRET_KEY}" - SCAN_BYPASS_THRESHOLD=10 - MISSING_WORKER_THRESHOLD=5 ports: - "14051:14051" user: 991:991 restart: always logging: *default-logging depends_on: - pictrs
I’m following this guide: https://patrickwu.space/2023/11/04/install-lemmy-simplified/. My .env file is:
LEMMY_VERSION=0.19.3 DOMAIN=lemmy.soulism.net # postgres POSTGRES_USER=admin POSTGRES_PASSWORD=**redacted** POSTGRES_DB= # pictrs ## keys PICTRS_API_KEY=stars ### 15 random characters PICTRS_SAFETY_WORKER_AUTH=p70nkXCN1UEcyN3 ### 80 random characters PICTRS_SECRET_KEY=**redacted** ## storage type; by default is filesystem for object storage please set it to object_storage PICTRS_STORE_TYPE=filesystem PICTRS_STORE_ENDPOINT= PICTRS_STORE_BUCKET_NAME= PICTRS_STORE_REGION= PICTRS_STORE_USE_PATH_STYLE=false PICTRS_STORE_ACCESS_KEY= PICTRS_STORE_SECRET_KEY=
The image for the pictrs service is wrong.
No idea what it should be, but it shouldnt be
Thanks. I get the same error even with pictrs image set to
I mean, i dont see anything strange.
Maybe just destroy the droplet and start fresh? Or spin up another just to test with?
Are you familiar with installing docker? I always just use docker’s convenience script to install it, and never had any problems.
You sure you havent accidentally installed docker desktop instead of docker engine? I dont know if docker has a desktop version for linux.
I keep meaning to figure out rootless mode or swap to podman