There’s a lot of small kindnesses that we all recieve in our lives, especially as kids, perhaps. But I want to hear of those that you remember.

I was inspired to write this post by something that happened a few years ago. My old cat had stopped eating (for the second time) and he was clearly not well. He was about 17 years old and I took tim to the animal hospital.

The vetrinarian, a woman about my age (28 or so) told me that an examination and potential treatment wasn’t going to be the right thing to to. She stayed with me for a long while as they were preparing to put him to sleep. I started crying and she stayed with me and told me how cats will have to face the end one way or another, and that I was doing the right thing. She comforted me through the whole thing. I don’t even remember her name, but she was one of the kindest people I’d ever met.

Please share how people have been kind to you

    28 days ago

    I lost my wallet in the south of Italy 15 years ago… Money, ID, credit card, photos…

    I received it in the mail 3 weeks later, nothing was missing. It was anonymous.

    I had blocked the credit cards and started to renew my ID, but was so happy for the gesture and the photos

      28 days ago

      Almost the same happened to me around the same time, but in Germany. I forgot it at some store. A week later someone rang my doorbell, when i checked my wallet was at my doorstep.

      Money was gone, but i was so happy to not have to renew all the cards stuff.