That sounds like something you need insane amount of trust to eat it, like tartare.
That sounds like something you need insane amount of trust to eat it, like tartare.
Orc Must Die 3. Now i’ve finished the main campaign and moving on to the second one, is there any other game similar to this? Dungeon Defender is so slow.
A little bit of Putin’s what i see
No no no this one is send by the government to expose the one piece pirate.
Here’s one pretty much exposed
That’s the major issue with AAA these day. Making game is gambling, you gonna spend all those millions for 3 to 5 years making the thing you think is good, only turn out to be underwhelming or a flop. Publisher is very weary about all these risk so they put their money on safe bet, which left us with bland games.
Actually that’s the major issue with game development, even indie. What we see is the success, there’s a tons of game that tried to be innovative and creative but failed.
And by your logic, cigarette ads should be on full display again because the ultimate responsibility lies on the parent and cigarette company shouldn’t be held liable for the addiction.
And no, you even get my logic wrong.
I learned that “batteries” can literally took many form, some use molten salt, some use gravity, some use water, and some use the battery we all know. Am actually kinda curious on what works for them, but since it isn’t really 100% consecutively it doesn’t matter in this case.
You can’t, but i can. They are multibillion dollar company, their app sole purpose is to serve user similar content based on watch history, they have a report button, they have the budget to hire, they have the resource to review, it’s their platform, they have to self regulate, and not extracting resource then wipe their hand clean without bearing any negative consequences. If they can’t, then the government should.
You can’t just show kids how fun gambling is then say you’re not responsible on these kids getting addicted after watching you. Tiktoker lies a lot to get the result they want, and they always leave out the danger of doing what they did. If bytedance did not regulate these content then they should get the axe, no one should get away scott free.
Thank you, i knew there must be a catch within the article and my first question is always on how they handle the night. Guess the report isn’t about that.
This doesn’t seems like they trying to be reasonable, it seems like they want to ban it but with extra step.
Also, no, this is very different. Thing spread slowly pre-internet, tiktok spread like wild fire in drought month. There’s different level of alertness needed to handle both cases, and tiktok themselves need to self-regulate, they can’t just wave their responsibility away because “dangerous challenge occur without us before”.
Plot twist: they now get Ukrainian actor to act as russian spy.
Youngblood is critically panned.
Chinese Chess’s General late game be like:
(General can just fly across the board if they face each other without any piece blocking, so you can set up a checkmate with your General)
This is just a question on whether one were rich or not lol.
But anyway, both option tend to end with everyone dead or at least only 0.001% surviving if we’re talking about Thanos snap situation. The 1% cannot run any facility on their own(electricity, plumbing, health, etc), and tend not to be a survivor expert. Infighting will happen soon, and tribes will form. If it happens in winter, the one from cold country will all die out if they don’t all have doomsday vault, leaving those from the warmer climate to face the element. In the end, they will realise the billions and millions of moneys they accumulated is worthless if there’s no way to use it.
Factorio: 396
Fallout 4: 384
DS3: 250
Ror2: 191
Ds2: 188
Skyrim: 185
Stardew: 162
Terraria: 156
Monhunt W: 154
The one that i enjoy so much but with oddly low playtime:
Dying Light: 109
Subnautica: 102
Prey: 78
Outside of Steam but i couldn’t remember exact amount of time i spend in:
Monhunt 4U: 200 ~ 250
I’m surprised i spend so much time on ds3, it’s not open world, it’s not endless, it’s not rogue-like, but still spend more time playing it than dying light.
Monhunt W would be higher if not for the update that make my hardware unable to run it.
Yeet him right into the enemy line
Yeah, here we celebrate Christmas with the high probability of heavy rain and flood.
Not sure if it helps, but i use frenchpress for this reason. The dipping spoon type is really easily spilled when putting tea leaf in it, while the french press one is just one big mug. Washing process is also pretty easy.