Black_Mald_Futures [any]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2022


  • lmao, sure thing buddy, except for how actually literally nobody died in the fucking square. A massacre at a square where nobody actually died and, according to all sources, all fatalities actually happened nearby. It would be hilarious as a joke if so many of you fucking rubes didn’t believe in it, jesus fucking christ.

    The best part is the most famous moment to crackers like you is the tank man image, where, you know, a man was famously not run over by a tank

    Oh actually no, the best part is the protesters were actually protesting for more communism. They were upset about Dengist market reforms.

  • The one country that is escalating things is Russia. They could have always moved back and have given up and this would all be over.

    Are you fucking serious

    What do you call expanding NATO? You think that isn’t escalation because, what, “it’s a defensive pact”? You really don’t see how a country like Russia could view an encirclement of “defensive” pacts as aggressive, when it has constantly stated that Ukraine joining NATO is a red line?

    You don’t think NATO discussing sending NUKES TO UKRAINE, putting them within MINUTES OF MOSCOW, is in any way an escalation?

    What the FUCK is wrong with you fucking people

    NATO could have simply not attempted to expand, Ukraine could have simply honored the Minsk agreement and stopped genociding Russians in the Donbas, but you don’t say shit like that, you think it’s entirely on Russia. Brainwashed ass motherfucker

  • So genuinely, do you think you’ve changed anyone’s mind today? If not, why are you wasting this energy?

    oh no all my energy, all my vital essence, it’s fled me because I’ve trolled some shit-lib who, despite literally decades of evidence to the contrary, is clinging to the hope of electoralism saving us despite witnessing its constant failures

    can’t wait to argue with you in 4 years over the next issuance of red/blue fascism, because you’re too fucking stupid to notice there’s very little difference. “oh no the republicans want you dead” yeah and the neoliberals in the Democratic party don’t give a shit if you are or not either.

    you’d think shit like Newsom going all in on clearing the homeless would clue you people in but jesus fucking christ you are ignorant as fuck, literally incapable of engaging with politics beyond what you saw on MSNBC today