Twilight really fucked up the romance genre, huh? Lol
Twilight really fucked up the romance genre, huh? Lol
Nah, I think he can find plenty of them. They just won’t fit his expectations of what they’ll look like.
I live in the DC area. It’s the same even though I know it’s a solid blue area for like a 30 mile radius
No… Not made in Wyoming. That’s where the LLC is, but not the actual manufacturing facility.
The more people use Firefox, the better. Lots of people had to use Internet Explorer for things… Until they didn’t because Chrome was faster and web devs focused on browser-agnostic technologies.
The system he supported wasn’t one where the House was capped at a limit causing the Electoral college to be skewed towards the minority.
Issues with the electoral college can be resolved by getting rid of the Reapportionment Act and moving towards Star or RCV voting. Both are significantly easier to do than passing an Amendment to get rid of the EC.
Yep. Virginia has it’s statewide position elections on the odd years. So it’s congressional and governor elections tend to have fewer people vote. However, the Dems have gotten wise and have managed to turn out more during these elections.
My favorite is how they claim that PRC doesn’t invade anyone, ignorant of their attempts in Korea (Korean War) and Vietnam (after the Americans left).
I need this poster or canvas printed so I can hang it on my office wall…
Stupid and unlikely thought I had: The West don’t want Russia to know just how weak it really is against the West so that Russia doesn’t kick itself into high gear trying to truly modernize its forces by eliminating the grift and corruption that plagues its MIC. A Russia plagued by a corrupt military is a Russia that is essentially toothless in an armed conflict.
Of course, this doesn’t excuse not allowing deep Russian strikes with already provided equipment.
Requires constitutional amendment. You know what doesn’t? Getting rid of the Reapportionment Act. Expanding the House by a considerable margin will bring back a more fair EC.
It feels like whoever made this only sees those large suburban sprawls in the South West of the US where it’s all flat desert. Or the suburbs built on large tracts of farmland that had trees taken down many years before for crops.
Housing development is expensive when you have to cut down and uproot large tracts of forest. They’re not willing to do that unless there is a high rate of return… Such as an apartment building with a hundred tenants.
He’s been doing this forever. He’s THE flip flopper of all flip flopping.
Do some reading on why Biden can’t get rid of him. It’ll make you smarter, I promise.
What’s the propaganda?
Not sure how. The Constitution is pretty explicit that States get to determine how they send delegates to the EC.
I’ll admit I don’t know how Lemmy works in communicating to each other. However, Internet traffic is labeled in some manner. It has to be to ensure data traverses the web of routers we call the Internet. Lemmy instances have to identify each other to share their information to each other.
Just ban whatever traffic Lemmy instances are looking for.
Too easy, next.
See what I did there? Any moron can cut a sentence to pretend to make an argument.
Where I live, we had early voting for a whole month now. We went during the second week - 0 minute wait. It took longer to walk into the building and follow the signs than it was to get my ballot, vote, and walk out.