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Somehow this became inspired by nature week.
RSS Feed:
Would be cool if lemmy implemented like Reddit does.
You can open an issue on the repository and, if you have the skills, you can even implement it yourself :).
May I ask you if you know about any public (and free?) TTRSS instance?
What’s the RSS link you got?
AFAIK, theere is no RSS link for saved posts. When I go to, the RSSHub Radar addon only shows this feed:
Note the sort=New
and the absence of anything regarding saved posts.
If I re-create the logical URL for the RSS feed of saved posts, I get a feed with my submitted posts:
If I were wrong (please correct me if that’s the case), then you would probably need to provide your RSS reader with the credentials for your account… unless the saved posts are public for anyone to see, which sounds a bit weird.
There is an example from the x-post on !
This hits home. I have a kitten on my lap right now that my daughter found on the side of the road yesterday… we think she’s about 6-8 weeks old. (…)
EDIT: And another one:
Totally true lmao. Its how I got my cat Chevy. He was found as a kitten by my Uncle on the tire of my Grandfathers Chevy. Years later the same Uncle found another kitten on the axle of his car, he named it Axle. He also named Chevy. He is definitely creative with naming cats.
Source: Fossil Fools #135 - Minim (Calligraphy)
I don’t see an RSS Feed on their site, so here it is the RSS Feed for u/fossilfoolscomic’s submissions to r/comics:“fossilfoolscomic”&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new