Bars on the windows and a nice big hedgerow out front. Extra security, and occasional package deliveries are obscured from the street to deter porch pirates.
Not a chalice unfortunately, just literally the bottom 2/3 of the same bottle the bong is made from cut and ground smooth so it can be drank from. I’ve never done the Shakespeare bit while using them but I think I might need to go pour myself and drink and do so right now cause I kinda love it.
Yours is a sampler size bottle. I’ve a few myself, including two cut in half that they sold as glasses with one of the special edition bundles or whatever.
Satya Nadella is the current CEO of Microsoft
You’re not alone. I did the same thing.
I’m glad I noticed this was The Beaverton before I went and burned down the local Superstore.
Oh, I stand corrected
People are just now acknowledging it. Execs tend to have a disdain for the minutiae. They’re like kids that only want to do the exciting bits. As a result things get fucked because they don’t really understand what they’re doing. As Muskrat would say “move fast and break things.” It’s a terrible mindset.
Are you doing Azure training too? I cursed these out to my boss when I encountered them. I’ve seen a lot of bad captcha but these are hands down the worst.
Personally my biggest gripe is with the formatting, specifically spoilers tags are a terrible choice when the whole thing could be a single sentence with a link. Spoiler tags aren’t uniformly implemented and when pointed out the stance is it’s the clients fault for not doing spoilers the way the dev wants rather than the devs fault for not using a more standardized approach which just bugs me. If the goal was concise conveyance of information, they missed the mark.