• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • The artist, Stonetoss, makes a career on catering to homophobia, transphobia, racism, antifeminism, all the nazi shit.

    It is very much deliberate. He tends to use nazi dogwhistles to make his comics pass cursory censorship.

    Sometimes he makes merely mildly hateful comics, like this. That is also a deliberate attempt to avoid censorship and spread the comics outside the nazi bubble. This is why he rebranded out of his previous comic “Red Panels” which was all nazi all the time and got banned everywhere.

  • Yes, the oppressed are eager to hurt people any way they can, and nobody can expect it to be any other way.

    But still, launching long range missiles isn’t an impulse action. There are so many actors domestic and internationally to do production, procurement, installation, logistics, assembly, that we can assume someone high up has made a strategic decision based on expected outcome.

    And the expected outcome is extremely obvious: a) zero tactical gains, and b) more excuses to ignore international pressure and hit Rafah even more brutally.

  • … so this is where the index is…


    Because the loop would…

    Why are those yellow?

    Syntax highlighting. Now, the loop would…

    Can I play Minecraft?

    Not now. The loop…

    Why not?

    I am working and need the laptop.


    Because my job…

    Can I play Minecraft?