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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2022


  • That’s the point. But when Israel demands the Palestinians to be forcefully removed, they will exclaim that the pier can be used to have them ported out. To say, the EU or USA. Since removing them has always been the point. Thatich has been clear since the beginning of their invasion of Gaza, killing 35,000+ and herding them into that direction. The issue is if they will get away with it and the rest of the West will allow it. Or they will demand that Egypt takes them, which they won’t unless maybe they get we debt forgiven plus cash. Which I still doubt they will, Egypt is financially broke and has crazy debt anday not want to take millions of refugees.

  • Like others said, focus on living your life and be social. It is likely to happen organically. Focus on social things where you are bound to meet people either way. Do not pressure yourself or it will take away from the fun aspects of the hobby/sport/events.

    And for god’s sake, do not use online dating sites/apps. They are bad in so many different ways. The endless dating is tiring and can twist your perception of dating and people in general, especially if you run into bad luck. Albeit this did not happen to me, I had friends from both sexes that hated how people got turned into commodities, and treated others like things to be discarded. A couple to girls I knew were on dates on a weekly or biweekly basis and it really warped their perception of men in general because they tended to picked incorrectly or got tired of the repetitive cycle akin to job interviews for all parties they ended up pausing all dating for ages. As it took the fun out of it. Online dating these days is more for hooking up and bad experiences. Despite that I am sure that many people have met significant others online, dating online is not like 10 years ago.

  • If we follow Trudeau’s trend as of late, he is likely to blame this on Russia. He seems to blame external and internal threats and simple fuck ups of his administration all on Russia. He would blame China but he is currently embroiled in an ineptitude scandal where China helpep manipulate elections, seemingly mostly in his party’s favour. Despite the point of it was to seemingly vote CCP friendly MP’s from differents parties, details ate skerchy. Investigations on it contiue, but the Liberals are stalling, for exact cause unknown.

    Point is that it would be good if he stated that Israel doing this is not alright at all, but he won’t. Even if an activation of Article 5 was never on the table. Which is understandable.

  • Really? Name a single policy change that was drafted by BLM that went on beyond chants or slogans? There were none, 0, zip. I checked. Screaming loudly is not really useful in this regard.

    By that I mean an actual bill or proposal with actual numbers or data that backed it up, that could have been submitted to a vote by say a city council or State goverment. There were none. BLM, outside chants and causing $2 billion dollars worth of damage, dozens if not hundreds of dead people and making some BLM founders wealthy, did not achieve anything in terms of smart policy changes. Last time I checked out of the $90+ millions in donations, BLM staff could not fully account for about $30-$40 million. And that like two years I go that I checked. Some mansions had been bought and some of the founders had hired lovers and family as their staff, with travel and food expenses. Who knowd what else. One had hired her baby’s dady as head of security because why not?

    NYC and other cities briefly dropped some cop funding and all that did in the end was for crime to go up. NYC subway now needz metal detectors and the national guard was called in recently due to the uptick in violent crime.

    At best some shallow, meaningless changes like a mural or a rainbow or BLM flag painted on a street, hell, maybe even a street name change or something akin to that, and in some cases, it just increased crime and looting statistics in the aggregate in numerous cities. Sorry bro, this is reality.

    It also increase social tension between races, which ain’t good, either.

  • Of course and what is it that they want you to do? Just cut your food intake, eat lab meat, lab milk, bugs, and live in a shoebox. When food production in the USA is 9% of all carbon emissions. And out of those 9%, less than 3.8% is meat. While the cruise ship industry is 3.3% of total, worldwide.

    Meanwhile, our CEO’s, their boards, and their extended families, and largest stockholders go on, out on yatchs, zipping around in private jets, go to massive, endless, exorbitant decadent private events and eat whatever they want, whenever they want, because… suck it, pleb.