Gob Bless Ken M.
Gob Bless Ken M.
When you think about it nukes are the ultimate Chekhov’s Gun.
It’s prolly more like millions I’d think.
Actually home grown eggs taste much better than the shit-tier store eggs.
Exactly this. My grandmother lived under the Nazis and she said they were fucking idiots. Exactly the same type of incompetent blowhards. The whole hyper scientific ubermensch BS in the cultural zeitgeist is so frustrating. I blame all the WWII video games and movies that played up the myth to have more interesting villains than the sleazy shit stains that they actually were.
No. They knew exactly what they were doing.
Actually come to think of it, the dude she cheated on me with wasn’t either.
How’d you find that out?
For sure. That’s why I said it’s not surprising.
Was there ever a legal fund set up? It’s interesting, but not surprising, that there’s been almost no further coverage of this.
The red alert siren started playing unbidden in my head.
…but have you tried running him over?
Well it’s a movie, so there’s that. Helmets primary use is to stop shrapnel and protect against bonking your head. I’ve heard stories of, and seen pictures of helmets stopping bullets, but there’s lots of factors. How far away did the bullet originate? Did it ricochet off something first? War is a very chaotic environment. Lots of weird things happen. There are stories from WWI and WWII where a bullet was stopped by a bible in a breast pocket, but it’s really up to random chance.
I believe most modern helmets are rated to stop a 9MM, but beyond that it’s a crap shoot.
Are they finally doing a Ninja one? Goddamn, took 'em long enough. It seemed obvious to me after I played the 2nd one.
I immediately was like “smart pipe!” No fuckin’ way.
I’m sure Elon will give the camps some dip shit meme name.
“As for asshole pictures, as far as I know, asshole recognition technology isn’t as developed as facial recognition technology yet.”
Fecal recognition technology.
My butt does hurt.
Nobody wants to work anymore!
Eat food ya dip.