“Taylor Hanson is a boy?!? OH GAWD…!”
“Taylor Hanson is a boy?!? OH GAWD…!”
Fuckin’ A.
I ask “why” every time I’m reminded Imagine Dragons exist, too.
Hey Luxembourg, you broke it, you bought it! She’s YOUR fucking problem now! AHAHAHA!
No? Still in this timeline? …fuck.
Full-on mask off, now. Owner class protecting owner class, nothing to see here. These aren’t the droids you’re looking for. Move along.
Yes, it is.
I used to think it was just a movie that happened during Christmas, but it wasn’t a Christmas movie. I changed my mind when it was pointed out that the movie wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t Christmas. He was visiting his family for Christmas. It’s not a typical Christmas movie, but it is a Christmas movie.
My $.02
“I love the uneducated!”
Pelosi isn’t a cunt. Something something depth and warmth. She’s below a cunt; she’s a cankle.
Use it to fill the holes in your canoe?
14 million is 4% of 345 million (~American population.) Yes, 96% of America thought he wasn’t gonna run again.
Did Putin tell Moscow Mitch to say that? Was it Monsanto? Or, did he have his own thought for once?
Add in hysterical, blood-vessel-throbbing shrieks at the person in front, and you’ve just described my mom’s driving. It’s terrifying to ride anywhere with her.
You’re right, he never said the exact words. But all of America was under the impression he was gonna step back. He never used the direct words to dispell that either. I’m not alone in feeling betrayed by Biden.
I’m seeing this meme get as much airtime as the whole “I’m a Navy seal” copypasta, and I’m not complaining.
Are you a xenomorph…?
Looks like obstruction is back on the menu, boys.
I agree completely, but your comment begs the question: can you supply a picture of Trump that isn’t? He always looks like mummified foreskin wearing a cotton candy toupee to me.
He also let everyone believe he was just gonna run for one term. Then, when election season comes around, when asked if he was gonna step aside and that most Americans would like him to not run, his response?
Fuck you, Jack. FUCK. YOU.
Sorry. If it’s not playground rules, then it’s just mayhem.
“One dead CEO.”
“Many more to go.”
Just quoting my favorite construction equipment, please don’t ban.