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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I don’t think it’s realistic or pragmatic to expect a perfect direct democracy system. Trying to get as close to one as feasibly possible can be a goal though, and once we’re at that point, try to continually and slowly improve that direct democracy system until it’s even closer and closer and closer, ad infinitum.

  • Ok, I guess I’ll have to make an edit of this then.

    This a consequence of Democrat incompetence and inability to quickly adapt. Shit, I think that it’s part of Democrat culture to not take internal criticism of their own dimwittedness, slowpoken, numskull-ass, knuckleheadery. Some within the party are openly talking about replacing Biden this close to the election in a panic. If he does get replaced, I fucking hope they pull some miracle out their ass. Like imagine Biden voluntarily drops out and gives his nomination to Bernie. Alas, no one likes letting go of power, so this will remain a pipedream.

  • I think most of the hostility is in regards to shilling of certain sites and services. Local self hosted AI is not likely to get as much flack I feel. Another aspect of hate is people generating images and calling it art, which…it is but, it’s the microwave equivalent of art. Such negative sentiments can be remedied by actually doing artistic shit with whatever image they generate, like idk, put the image into Photoshop and maybe editing the image in a way that actually improves it, or using said image as a canvas to be added onto or some other shit.

    Edit Addendum: also the negative perception of AI has mostly been engendered by some of its more unpleasant supporters, who think of it as a way to make “irrelevant” certain groups they don’t like, and to take some sorta sick schadenfreude in the “replacement” of these people, which they think may be a way of reducing the power of these people (politically, socially, etc), and that’s kinda fucked up.

  • That’s the thing, I think they’re all just regular people with more radical views on politics. I feel as if this recent fad of “dead internet theory” which posits the majority of the net is filled with bots, is really an attempts by certain groups to dismiss certain online communities/dismiss the idea that these communities are indicative of some sort of wider trend within society, which is really what I think is an attempts to gain control of what is seen as consensus reality online, dehumanize the other side, and justify the suppression/repression of certain ideas, opinions, and groups.