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Cake day: June 27th, 2024

  • Who is going to pull the trigger? Point to the opposition leader willing and able to try and dismantle a party with this many active supporters.

    Read the article. It’s already happening.

    Which are used to target unpopular fringe groups not regional majorities.

    You don’t seem to know a lot about the German constitution. The opposite is true. Unppular fringe groups are not banned because they are not actually a danger to democracy, as long as government positions are not in reach for them. That’s exactly how the german federal constitutional court has argued in the past. Successful bans ever only targeted actually successful parties.

    The core mechanism of democracy is to abolish political organizations wholesale?

    The core mechanism of democracy is to protect itself, and first and foremost that means protecting itself from facism. A political organisation that’s threatening democracy should obviously not be allowed, so it will be banned.

  • Can you ban a party that’s got a plurality of seats in the Parliament? Or will they be the ones banning you?

    Of course. And it’s nonsensical to claim we cannot ban them, while worrying they could ban us. We can and we should, based on what you yourself wrote:

    If you pass a law but never enforce it, the law does nothing.

    We have laws against undemocratic parties, so we should enforce them.

    I mean, by all means, feel free to give it a shot. But it seems like you’re asking an elected government to do a thing it isn’t designed to do.

    But it is designed to do exactly that. That’s like a core mechanism of our democracy.

    The only way to argue we shouldn’t ban the AFD is if you claim that they somehow should be exempt from our mechanisms against fascism. They were enforced before, they will be enforced again. And the AFD fits the bill in every way.

  • banning it won’t make the people who vote for it and run it any less, well, fascist.

    Correct. But it’s no supposed to do that. Banning a fascist party doesn’t solve every problem of a divided society, but it prevents the worst (a fascist party seizing power) and gives us time (and the chance!) to solve some of the others.

    There’s basically no other option. Either a society has effective rules against fascism in place or it will stand idly by while being undermined. And if it has these effective rules, it must abide by them. ‘Fascists should not be allowed to rule the country’ seems to be a reasonable lower limit.

  • we’re already doing that, and it doesn’t work.

    We absolutely do, taurine is in basically every commercially available cat food out there. Chances are you are already feeding your cat synthetic taurine.

    I feed my cats the food they need to survive, fortunately.

    So do I, I’m just really annoyed at the intellectually dishonesty at play here. The position you’re arguing in favor of is almost impossible to verify. Can you prove that is is impossible to create a nutritionally complete vegan cat food? No, obviously you can’t. Even if every single brand currently available would be proven to be insufficient (which I seriously doubt) it’d still be a wild claim that it couldn’t be done. Does that stop you from harshly judging everyone with a different opinion? For some reason, no.

    Feel free to correct me if you do have a reliable source that explains why it’s impossible to supplement vegan cat food while being perfectly fine for conventional ones.

  • Then look for a recent study yourself. I certainly won’t waste my time, since I hardly believe you would chance your mind even with the most robust data available. You’ve made up your mind.

    There’s no reason why supplementation shouldn’t be possible. After all we’re already doing that. Obviously we can test for it (since so many people in this comment claimed that vegan brands were tested and found to be insufficient), so nothing stops us from putting taurine into the cat food to the point where it reaches the required amounts. It’s that simple. If you need to stay offended than for all means keep going. Just know that you behave just like the vegans you’re so annoyed about, and it’s showing.

  • Wtf is happening in the comments. Why are people getting so insane over this topic over and over again? If there’s cat food out there that’s nutritional complete, cats like it, and it happens to be plant based - so what? The only two reasons to object are if someone is 100% convinced such a product doesn’t and cannot exist or if they’re entirely ideological about it. And if we have to apply the naturalistic fallacy that only the natural way can be morally okay, why of all things argue about pet food? I really, really don’t get it why people get so intensely emotional about it.