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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • The flaw of the question is assuming there is a clear dividing line between species. Evolutionary change is a continuous process. We only have dividing lines where we see differences in long dead ones in the fossil record, or we see enough differences in living ones. The question has no answer, only a long explanation of how that isn’t how any of this works.

  • I was going to say, it does depend on the drug and person. My son had that experience where the insurance flip-flopped to cover generic instead of Adderall, but it did not work at all for him so we had to fight to get it changed back. Since then every year or so insurance plays their game and we have to go through the ritual explaining why it can’t be generic when that becomes the one covered. It shouldn’t be this hard, right?

  • Even a hypothetically true artificial general intelligence would still not be a moral agent

    That’s a deep rabbit hole that can’t be stated as a known fact. It’s absolutely true right now with LLMs, but at some point the line could be crossed. If and when, how, and by what definition has been a long debate nowhere near resolved.

    It’s highly possible that AGI/ASI could come about and be both super intelligent and self conscious and still have no sense of morality. But how can we at human levels even comprehend what’s possible? There’s the real danger, we have no idea what we could be heading towards.

  • That was the next layer, but they can’t get to that point if the voting isn’t close. I don’t disagree that elections is one of the many reasons why the court got stacked, but way before the SC there WILL be corruption attempts at the voting level. See Steve Bannon’s commentary on how they’ve put people in place in voting areas and have formulated a plan to question voter authenticity. They know they can’t win with a fair election, so they’re finding more and more ways to subtly cheat. Or maybe not even subtle now, since they keep saying everything out loud.

    And the best way to counter this is drown the attempt in voter numbers, so that even if ballots are questioned or tossed or people turned away, the number still are high.

  • I don’t think that’s the problem. Here’s an example of the distribution of voting, and it’s sort of what you’d expect from the stereotype. Note that Gen-X is close to 50%, a bit more to the right. What affects things more (and mentioned in the article) is actual voting, or rather the lack of voting from the apathetic or oppressed or mislead. If more younger voters don’t vote, the results skew to the right.

    Add to that how different the commitment to party is between left and right. Left has lots of differing opinions and the infighting between Democrat and farther left 3rd party voters often result in either spoiler or no votes at all (which is why ranked voting would be a huge change). Right on the other hand, we’ve all heard the line about party first, no matter what. Liars, rapists, felons, still voting for the candidate because that’s what a Republican does.

    I don’t know if the latter can be easily fixed outside of better education both in voting information and in general. The right really aren’t in favor of any of that though, that would hurt their numbers. Trump even said it out loud, they love the poorly educated.

    The first part though is powerful. I’ve heard it said to young crowds many times that if more of them show up they can hugely affect the results.

    I’m not denying my generation (Gen-X, and why I felt I needed to reply) has its share of MAGAs. Long ago when I first joined Facebook and started adding friends I found from high school I thought it would be cool to reconnect. It was disappointing how quickly I found so many of them were not the same left-leaning radical free thinking people I thought I knew back then. But MAGA mania isn’t solely in one generation, it’s a problem shared that will stay around if we don’t change some things.

  • It had its issues, but for the time it was good. Probably depended on the machine and what you were running. That was back in the days when making things work meant the right drivers, and the Win98SE CD usually made it work.

    ME was so bad that MS forgot about it themselves. I bought a new laptop with ME installed that ran terribly, replaced it with 98 and it ran great.