Gaming at 20fps never looked this good lol
Gaming at 20fps never looked this good lol
Since I have an R36S already, I won’t be getting this. It is basically the same form factor and supports the same emulated consoles. Plus that only cost me $40 USD, which is ~$15 less than the PowKiddy?
If this was a PSP or GBA form factor, small enough to fit in my pocket, I would consider it. Might be good for someone that does not have a handheld and doesnt want to break the bank.
They gotta do something about triple healers and Hulk/Strange/Iron Man though. Too many people are picking it in casual/social mode and its not fun to play against.
Okay? Just make a good game, I dont think the main characters gender is really that important.
Though to be fair, the market is flooded with female main characters right now and with upcoming games, so I do appreciate the variety. Still, its an Ubisoft game and I probably wasnt going to buy it anyway.
While I can certainly understand why this style of interface is no longer utilized, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss it. Likewise with the sleek designs of the Frutiger Aero variety that came almost immediately after.
PSN being down is a tale as old as time. When the PS3 was out and before the PS4 was announced PSN had been down like at least once a month. It was well known as the least reliable gaming network. Even though Nintendo had their “Nintendo WiFi Connection” which was basically P2P and super garbage, it did not go down like PSN did.
Xbox Live was vastly more reliable, likely because Microsoft has a better understanding of how to run a network, and they took the subscription money and reinvested it back into Xbox Live, growing and bolstering it to the point that it has its reputation for being the most reliable of the 3 gaming networks.
Maybe I would do this if it wasn’t for ZOTAC and it did not demand I join a Discord server.
To be fair, this is using an HD Texture mod and a higher render resolution, which increases the “scare” factor. The game didn’t quite look like this originally. It lacked a lot of detail and was slightly blurrier.
Kinda like how people in the past talked about how realistic graphics looked, but then comparing them to today’s graphics advancements makes that seem rather silly. Or how “realistic” DOOMs violence was, compared to the violence in DOOM 2016.
Also thiss is a screenshot from Ocarina of Time, not Majora’s Mask.
What is even the point of this? It doesn’t seem to say that it includes the ability to have your friends join in on your games, which is the entire point of LAN parties, so I have to assume that it does not have that feature. LAN parties aren’t about me coming to your house to watch you play a game by yourself, its about me bringing ny rig to your house so we can play a game together without all the added latency of being on the internet. We get extremely low ping and get to play a multiplayer game together.
This just looks like a worse version of VR Chat but with the ability to stream my gameplay into the “game.”
I wonder if any of the people who worked on the Arkham games are even still at the company. Nowadays it seems like all these beloved studios have none of the people that made the games we love, and are just riding off the coattails of the popularity given to them that they clearly do not deserve.
I agree that the price increases were already coming and tarriffs provided an easy scapegoat to blame it on. If the tarriffs never came, the prices still would have gone up but they just wouldn’t have publicly announced it.
If tarrifs are objectively bad, why did China enact tarriffs in retaliation? Why would they damage their own economy to do basically nothing to the US? The Chinese economy is way more dependant on trade than the US economy is.
Any person that says the best AoE is any game other than AoE2, they’re just objectively wrong. AoE2 is the best of the best.
Price increases always increase profits. You think they are only going to increase the price by exactly how much the tarriffs or other import dues increase their cost? Of course not. They will absolutely increase their profit margin with the price increase.
I had read from AP that the President announced he is scheduled to or is scheduling to meet with Xi Jing Ping for negotiations. Kinda funny that China decided to tarriff US goods they import though. I don’t see what that even accomplishes for them since their economy is way more reliant on good international trade than the United States. Even as a bargaining chip, its a pretty weak one.
Either way, I think that these price increases were coming anyway, and tarriffs are an easy scapegoat to blame it on that takes the heat off the company.
The tarriffs were put in place to get the other countries (Canada, Mexico, and China) to tighten up their border security for illegal immigrants and illegal drug trafficking, particularly fentanyl.
This is the officially documented reason for the tarriffs.
Imagine making a typo in your summary that exchanges the United Kingdom for the United States, creating a literal hallucination of what the UK government response says lol
Arent the tarriffs on a 30 day pause though? With China already in talks to negotiate? If a deal is made and the tarriffs are dropped, are the price changes not going to go into effect?
My guess is no. Any excuse to raise prices will always be applauded by shareholders.
Almost certain this is correct. If this is not correct. I HAVE to know what the answer is.
“Modernism” is a term used to refer to art and culture from 1930s-1940s America. Searching for something like furniture or architecture in that style would mean you use search terms like “modern furniture” or “modern architecture.” Can that really be considered “modern” anymore?
When the PS4 and Xbox One are no longer the “previous gen” I will be calling them “next gen,” as that is the term most associated with those consoles. Even after the consoles were released and well into their lifespan they were still called “next gen.”
I call future consoles that haven’t released yet “upcoming gen” or “future gen” interchangeably.
I have an R36S which looks like the same form factor, and it is pretty uncomfortable all around. It is really small, and my fingers overlap behind the console when holding it. The shoulder buttons aren’t the worst I have ever used, but trying to use thumbsticks means holding it in a way that makes me feel like I will easily drop it.
I don’t know if this is just because I have large hands / long fingers, but I personally find myself wishing for a PSP or GBA form factor instead, simply for comfort. Actually, even a GPD XD form factor would be really nice, but I doubt I could see something like that for the same price of $40 USD.