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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 28th, 2024


  • i know it was, and i know he’s right, open source has always been alive and well, but not for the everyday Joe. that’s why i suffixed my sentence.

    Meta open sourced their LLM for example recently, Llama. Sorry but i dont see that happening back then. Linux Desktop is growing rapidly and now highly usable by the common person. there is an open source linux app for everything now. accessible Open source encryption. Open source phone apps are mainstream now. easily accessible instant e2ee messaging would’ve been future spy movie stuff 20 years ago.

    it’s easier than ever to use almost 0% proprietary software.

    I thought people could pick up on my main idea but seems people are too stupid to read an entire sentence. or without sperging out trying to cry about nothing. so much insecurity geez. this is the typical midwit brain. unable to digest main ideas, and screaming over details and half sentences as if im speaking in absolutes. your iq is 105 probably

  • Good article. These things are definitely true in the stage of big tech and normie tech, however I’m so glad that the baseline for a large portion of us still hasn’t shifted, and in some respects, has actually shifted in reverse, to become better over time

    For example, open source wasn’t really a thing in the 90s and early 2000s to the scale that it is today. Companies could generally be trusted to not be literal active spyware.

    But today, more than ever, soooo much software and code is totally open and you can build and compile it all yourself. You can now run your entire tech life on code that you build, compile, verify, and sign by yourself. You could not do that in the “good old days”.

  • it doesn’t matter. you should always be using a private browser like librewolf or mullvad. trust no sites. cookie banners are nothing more than thin legal requirements that make virtually no difference to your privacy. as the other guy on here says, it means, “fuck you. use my site and ill collect your data if i can get it”

  • I want Micropenis to cum all over everything I’ve ever done on my PC then send the cum drenched pile of trash through the copper and fiber wires all the way back to Microshaft so they can dump it all into an Ai Slop machine to train Cumpilot to feed me more shit covered autogenerated watery paste to put inside all my word documents so that Microdick can read everything on my screen again including the sloppy goo that Cockpilot generated for me and feed the sperm covered gooey gop through the Microbrain AI slop training machine to squirt out even more semen splooge into my fat fucking face