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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • I witnessed 5 police officers all hit a man on the ground with their tasers. Broad daylight.

    Died on the scene of a heart attack. Apparently natural causes. The polices internal investigations found the police did no wrong, imagine that.

    Unless you make enough money that you can regularly “donate” to the force, I suggest that you assume they are not there to help you and you protect yourself accordingly

  • SoylentBlake@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.ml4 sosp'cks to 1 kitt
    2 months ago

    The most common place to find .1" is on micrometers. And that’s just fine until you need to switch it back to imperial or metric for the next processing…which the rest of your tooling is in.

    .1" is roughly 2.54mm

    .1", fractionally is ~7/64

    7/64 is roughly 2.77mm

    See how this is recipe for disaster?

  • SoylentBlake@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.ml4 sosp'cks to 1 kitt
    2 months ago

    You do you boo but Metrics fucking awesome. It’s simple, conversions are super easy, etc. it’s just basic numbers. You can thoughtlessly multiply or divide (assuming you could thoughtlessly do that before).

    You want a real shite headache? Try translating tenths of inches. I’d just burn the blueprints and tell them to try again.

  • The us was very much in an existential threat at the time. We had just lost almost our entire navy, which compared globally, not a single branch of our military held any high esteem. Our equipment was run down and I’ll maintained and our factories were not set. We weren’t mobilized. We didn’t even know if Japan was gonna stop. The emporers men invaded the aluetians too, taking two islands (and digging in hard on one).

    So we effectively lost our Navy, then the UK and the Dutch lost the rest of South Asia. The UK lost 60x more men between 12/41 and 2/42 then we did. Can you even wrap your head around the amount of pain that causes a nation? Can you even imagine 120,000 ANYTHING? McCarthy was dug in in Manila and they are expected to fight down to the last man, as we didm’t have the means to get them reinforcements, if we even had the men we could somehow spare. If Japan has focused on us and not China then it’s doubtful we’d exist today. China only lost what…20million people in those 8 years? Chinas lost an estimated 100,000,000 people in the 20th century.

    Man if that’s not under threat, idk what is. The fear is on full display, look up the Battle of Los Angeles.

    It’s easy with hindsight to pass judgement from your current position with absolute knowledge. It’s also immature, foolhardy and you discredit yourself displaying your unawareness towards empathy, let alone forgiveness, compassion or understanding, to say such things. I was 17 once too and thought I knew everything. We all were, that’s the thing.

    I’m not trying to hate on ya guy, it sounds like you’re being consciously reductive and overly critical, which implies you’re arguing in bad faith or, as I’m assuming, you are young and just don’t know what you don’t know because you can’t know. Wisdom takes time to develop, no way around it.

  • I mean, yes and no. Pearl harbor wasn’t the only place hit 12/7. Philipines, Guam and Wake were all hit as well

    Hong Kong and Singapore were also attacked and the empire invaded Malaysia.

    America took a sharp hit square in the face, but Britain got sent home in a body bag at the end of 1941. By Feb 1942 the UK had lost all of Malaysia, lost Hong Kong and lost Singapore. They lost 12,000 troops, the rest surrendering. Zero soldiers made it home. America had never been pit against such an enemy. You have to take all of WW2 into that context. Fuck in WW1 they played soccer across no-man’s-land on Christmas. The next year the Canadians had arrived and…well…I’m not saying shit about canuckistani military just that over half of the geneva convention exists because of Canada.

  • Lindsey Graham will say whatever his sponsors want him to say. He shares like 2 of his opinions a year, and you can tell which ones they are because a week after saying it he’s already backtracking acting like he never said otherwise. He’ll dance any dance to suppress video of him and his prostitutes dick in his mouth. It’s a corner he’s painted himself in by courting the homegrown hate vote.

    My gut tells me that he’s a decent guy and I bet he’s quite capable at the state level, but he’s been in over his head in DC ever since he got there.

  • I’m waiting for an “Ohio” moment like CSN&Y sang, it’s coming. That shit happened to boomers, who have now become the oppressor, continuing the cycle of needless pain, loss and suffering. That’s the kind of shit that keeps the aliens from showing their face. I would’ve want to be known about around that kind of normalized psychopathy either.

    History doesn’t repeat but it rhymes. Cops today are too indoctrinated that they are at war with the citizenry - of which they clearly hold themselves above. They’re gonna spill students blood. Students who are protesting supplying Israel with weapons for what’s become an unjustifiable offensive war. Hell half of these cops fetishize throwing the Zionists back in the old ovens but they just can’t pass up any chance to spill 18yr old girls blood for having an opinion. And at this point the girl is the only moral one in the group. I don’t think I’d even stand in the way of the cops if they were going for the Zionists.

    Fascists all around. Kleptocracy staring down the barrel of loaded gun.

    Above all, we need to collectively realize that the story of our lives in our head is a fiction. Every second we are alive we are deciding what kind of world this is, with our actions. There is no one coming to save us. You are the adult in the room. If you see a wrong, justice demands you act. All of us. Together that adds up to community, a zeitgeist of home.

    I have a metaphysical theory that we all unconsciously carry the weight of our ancestors with us, and some part of our subconscious, or our reflexive self (the part of you that blinks the millisecond before something hits your eye), or maybe our supra conscious/soul/spirit, (the part of us not bound to time/Morty playing Roy) is constantly tabulating a score and multiples of maladies manifest from this ennui.

    If you’re bored, you aren’t trying hard enough. If you’re depressed, you need to insert yourself in the solution, whatever you see that as. Your depression will magically resolve itself. No ones depressed in a war zone. Science has quantifiably proven that.

    It’s better to die on your feet, in defense of the truth, and as an agent of justice than live on your knees having sold the essence of your soul, sacrificing dynamism for mediocrity. 5 years that run the gamut of highs and lows or 50 years of office work. It’s not even optional to me, it’s just fact.

  • Every single comment here is describing symptoms but not the cause.

    Enshitification is the evolution to the final form, only possible after the company, thru merger/acquisition or stock manipulation (leveraged buy outs, acquiring controlling stake, shorting a company into insolvency, etc), has achieved a commanding monopoly.

    Then it flexes it’s monopoly powers, the buttons fly off its shirt and the monster shows it’s true colors.

    We have laws to prevent this. Lina Khan is the first FTC chair to start holding these companies to meaningful account in my lifetime (yea, Microsoft/netscape is exponentially smaller than todays issues). Meta, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon all need to be broken up into a thousand different companies, same as we did with AT&T. Uber, Angieslist, homeaglow, all the contractors pretending they’re just networking hubs (like some union hall) need to busted up and gigwork made to contend with employment law, which it can’t, because it’s all bad faith exploitation.

    And for fucks sake we need to make the fine for white collar crime that extends state lines to necessitate the forfeiture of the entire C-suite’s and board of directors assets, both domestically and internationally, upon threat of seal team 6. Empty their bank accounts and leave them with nothing, like they regularly do to employees. They’re so fucking smart they can earn it all again, right? Right!? Corporations are the largest thief in the land, just in WAGE THEFT. Everything else they do that’s slimy is all BONUS. The 2nd largest thief in all the land? the fucking Police force. The lunatics have taken over the asylum, democracy doesn’t work in mental institutions. We don’t need to defund the police, we need to fire all of them and start over with transparency. If casino employees can be video taped all day, so can cops. Fuck em.

    What America truly needs is another Teddy Roosevelt. We need to revive the Progressive party with the Bull Moose as the symbol. Protect the environment, protect the family by protecting the workers, end legal loopholes and trustbust the 1% back down into the 10%.

    And if we don’t? The path ahead is obvious, I for one, don’t want to live in Blade Runner, but that’s where we’re going until we stop fucking around and right ship.

  • The defenders of capitalism complaining about capitalism? It’s not like the public has been quiet on this issue for the past 20 years. Get creative. Stop eating advocato toast. Starting wages hover at $35/hr. Somehow I don’t hear any sympathy.

    Have they ran out of people to qualified immunity? I get that murder is the main draw there but theft by law enforcement is only beaten out by wage theft from corporations. Unless things have gotten so threadbare that they can’t make ends meet with all the state sanctioned profiteering.

    Maybe they should consider a different line of work. Learn to code. Go to a trade school. Become a plumber.

  • Oh I’m with you, believe me. Theres some great building tech now, things like aircrete and the hundred variations and uses of lime. And if course just caluz it’s old doesn’t mean better, there was definitely a gradient to build quality back then, same as today.

    We can look at churches in Uppsala that were built with pine and have stood for 1000 years…in Sweden…and it’s clear we’re missing something in our knowledge today that they had (it was their harvesting practices, btw, fucking germ theory levels of brilliance). Or how the Japanese have relied on coppacing for lumber for 500 years and that’s why Japan still HAS trees and didn’t go all Rapanui/Easter Island. The Amish and green wood timber framing is another example - practices that take the future into account. It’s the planting of trees who’s shade you’ll never sit in.

    It’s easy, and incorrect, to point at history and say it was ALL better then, because only the cream of the crip has survived. Survivorship bias, clear as day. Of course we can build with the same mindset today - we just DON’T.

    For a substantial group of people building their own home, to their own standards, towards sustainability or fingerprint reduction is their main driving goal. Earthships are an attempt. Buckminster Fuller made his entire career building off such ideas. Fuck I want to live in a geodesic dome SOOO BAD. Only have to deal with rain when I have to brave society. (I figure where the segments meet I can channel the rain to irrigation channels for the foliage and trees in the inner biodome…and then I’m raising free range sugar gliders.)

    I’m in the middle of building my redoubt now. Everything by hand, it’s tedious, requires a ton of knowledge and physically taxing, but it also screams of character, uniqueness and craftiness. I take a lot of fun making things intuitively crafty if you know, but invisable if you dont know. Microprocessors can be a part of that (Im a huge electromagnetism fanboy, I’ve spun up my own generators from magnet wire for custom windmills, and I’m debating doing it again for some microhydro but currently leaning stepper moters), hidden magnetic locks are fun. shit my firearm safe is a Rube-Goldman-machines worth of steps to open, and that’s if you even noticed it was there.

    I love the new tech. Don’t get me wrong. Maybe it’s that I’m a xennial, and that I had an analog youth, idk. I own all the power tools - I also own the hand tool analog version and know how to use them. I’ve always maintained the position that I had to level up into power tools. Electric planers save a SHITTON of time but if I can’t plane by hand…then it’s just a crutch. I don’t even want to get into metal working by hand, I’ve done it, i prefer metal to wood so that entire attitude applied to metal before wood.

    Anyway. I think we have more in common here than not, lol.