• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • In Europe, we changed to the Euro not that long ago. I was a student and I used to use a shared laundry machine. It was the day before returning to school. I was barely alone in the dorms. Let’s do a laundry !

    The machines were updated to get euros. There was another machine just to change the coins, especially since the washing machines only took one kind of coin (20 cents).

    I put one fresh euro in the exchange machine, expecting to get 5 coins of 20 cents.

    Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. <pause>… Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. <pause>… Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. <pause>…

    What ?! The machine was buggy and would not stop. I grabbed a hoodie to put the coins in it. Soon, it was not enough. After what seems to be an eternity I was there with around 50€ and kilos of coins.

  • LAN parties. I remember the first time I could connect two PC together. It was Doom, with a serial-to-serial cable. We were two players on the same fucking map. It was awesome!

    Then coax cable networks with friends. We used to have two or three different networks during a LAN party since you could not disconnect the coax cable to add a player without stopping the current games. The players arrived later would plug a new network just for them, and launch a game waiting the first players to finish theirs.

  • This is a full book and not just the cover for fun and giggles!

    In The Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America author Julian Montague has created an elaborate classification system of abandoned shopping carts, accompanied by photographic documentation of actual stray cart sightings. These sightings include bucolically littered locations such as the Niagara River Gorge (where many a cart has been pushed to its untimely death) and mundane settings that look suspiciously like a suburb near you.

    Working in the naturalist’s tradition, the photographs depict the diversity of the phenomenon and carry a surprising emotional charge; readers inevitably begin to see these carts as human, at times poignant in their abandoned, decrepit state, hilariously incapacitated, or ingeniously co-opted. The result is at once rigorous and absurd, enabling the layperson to identify and classify their own cart spottings based on the situation in which they were found.

  • I have tried nearly everything. Chili powder or black pepper only works until the next dew.

    I tried a special spray, it’s useless.

    The only thing that worked for me to cover the whole garden was special grains made of wood and black pepper oil. You can throw it around the garden and it last one or two weeks.

    For raised planter bed, I put nets originally used to cover trees for birds not to eat the fruits. It can be cut to any size and cats don’t like to walk on it. Some issues :

    • it’s fragile. You need to replace it after one or two years.
    • plants go through the net. It’s hard to remove then.
    • once there was a tiny bird in it. I found it soon enough for it not to starve.

  • “When the Reddit admins figured out that a large portion of the site is now bots”

    In foreign languages like in French, there was a trend, launched by the admins themselves. It was to replicate English communities by translating the posts. It was obvious that it was dumb automated translations since there were cultural references that could not be translated. I know it because I was the owner of such a community and it was sad. My small community had a spirit. After the bots, the community was bland.

  • What matters :

    • Auto calibration of Z-offset (multi-points). Your bed will warp with time and you don’t want to fight with it.
    • PEI magnetic bed. You don’t want to fight with your things not sticking to the bed - or sticking too much. You may still have issues but less.

    You will be happy with this as a cheap starter printer around 200$.

    After some time, you may want to print bigger things, faster, and with ABS/ASA for technical parts. Then you could invest in a bigger printer, faster, hot and with an enclosure for ABS fumes and warping issues. The budget for this is 600-1000$.

  • Do you use glue or hairspray for ASA ? I could not manage warping without hairspray.

    It looks like your corners separate from the border. I have this issue du to the new “smart” borders from Cura. It turns in the other direction for this to be easily removed… I have disabled this feature.

    The last idea if everything fails : I had to change the geometry of the thing to prevent big long fat stripes like the bottom of your item. Making it an hexagonal grid may help to diffuse the forces. The shrinkage will be diffuse instead of along the stripe.

  • There is no issue to print this. But…

    If it’s handed, it’s quite big. It has to be printed into multiple parts. I would make the metal things and the glowing thing separately.

    The glowing thing will look like shit if 3D printed. You better should get an acrylic rod. You need a bunch of blue leds too.

    There are filaments that look metallic. Or you would get better results by sanding it and painting it with special paints.

    The whole project could be expensive. (~100 to $150)