I stopped using gnome after they removed the ability to edit the menu without going through a bunch of hoops. Their idea of removing complexity involved removing choice and customization. KDE has had superior multi monitor support for a long time.
I stopped using gnome after they removed the ability to edit the menu without going through a bunch of hoops. Their idea of removing complexity involved removing choice and customization. KDE has had superior multi monitor support for a long time.
All this immigrant stuff, all it does is make people hate America and fuels the human trafficking scene. The Republicans have installed a faucet to streamline the capturing and abuse of migrant children. Think about it. If you are smuggling people across the border, people without any other options, when we have such harsh penalties all it does is give cartels more leverage over people. It’s so horrible.
Tennessee just needs to stop embarrassing itself and stay out of the political game.
I play with controller on PC but I don’t play competitive but honestly… I don’t want to lol. But they should let us play together in competitive. Guess I won’t bother with it cause I like to save my wrists for actual important things on kbm otherwise I have carpal tunnel issues. It would be cool to see controllers on leaderboard with kbm. Gyro aiming is pretty good these days too.
Yeah I’m surprised because my understanding was a lot of businesses were paying so it’s hard to wrap my head around why someone would want to do that now.
Actually this is wrong cross play is enabled by default and the game will even warn you that you’ll have a harder time finding console only gamers to play with.
It’s still hard to find PCIe 4 stuff lol
Technically all certificates are pinned, especially with public CAs, most OS package the latest CA certs which will all go out of style within 10 years or so. You can see this by loading up any old distro or defunct version of windows.
I’d still be using Ubuntu sometimes if it weren’t for the snaps thing. They only make sense for proprietary software… but snaps still suck. I don’t like packaged software. They contain all kinds of things that can’t be updated. The app store was getting better before all that changed. Now Debian seems better, but I still prefer source based distros like Gentoo because the ingredients come with recipes.
Support matrix!! It already has international support, just needs to be a bit better with stickers and qol stuff. I’ve been using it for years. It’s nice to know I don’t have to worry about my privacy at all with chat rooms that can continue on without the original server.
It’s not actually possible to return one of these cyber trucks due to rules involving sale after purchase.
I feel like the wide and often free availability of narcan and improved quality of safer drugs like weed are making a difference.
I added whisper and have never looked back. Sometimes it’s not exactly right but it’s usually obvious and funny 🤣
I’ve been really enjoying prodigy and wow season 2 really kicked it up a notch! Loving all the Janeway action. Lots of good Voyager characters too.
There’s no way a judge is gonna allow this. Outrageous. The language is way out of scope.
Nothing phone is such a fucking joke there are 0 replacement parts available. I broke my camera a few weeks after I got my nothing phone 2 and your only option is to ship the phone to the UK. The advertise as consumer friendly but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Most of the time my desktop is covered, so I use folders on the toolbar
I hate that we are funding Isreal they don’t even respect our ways yet we are paying for them to have free health care what the duck
Truthfully BT is about to explode with DHT once bitmagnet implements indexing it will be game over. You can just point it at a folder with your files and every torrent that ever contained that file will be seeded automatically no matter what folder or name it has. Everyone has gig connections now.
Why would somebody want a truck load of eggs?? Who would buy them even.