Exploitation of the religious liberties clause of the first amendment.
Exploitation of the religious liberties clause of the first amendment.
Me neither. Part of that came from watching him for a while.
I wish one of those steps ahead had been a successful prosecution.
Reason.com is a publication that’s been around for years, decidedly libertarian lean. No idea what that means for it in current political context. I used to see people from Reason on Bill Maher’s show as non-Republican conservative-ish voices.
Or his cadre of evil clowns.
women can’t marry older than 25? What kind of bass ackwards handmaid’s tale bullshit is that?
Japanese instructors in college would tell us how older unmarried women would be referred to as ‘Christmas Cakes’–no one wanted one after the 25th. Although they were happy that had been a changing attitude.
Why do you think they want everyone uneducated and saddled with more kids than they want/can afford?
I’m willing to bet there’s millions of women who didn’t vote/voted for the male candidate in part due to internalized misogyny.
Also, even if they can get into Canada, where will they live? Canada’s real estate market started getting hot before the US market did. This sucks.
The people who will be in power around him might well get rid of him themselves for all the use they want. He’s getting them to power. Vance and Musk and Thiel and whoever the fuck else don’t care about Trump. They want power.
Book recommendation: Persepolis. It’s a graphic novel autobiography of a girl who lived through the Iranian revolution and eventually moved to Paris. It’s a very accessible read.
We went to one of the several trunk or treats in our town. I chose one of the less busy ones so my kid could understand what the massive downtown one would be like if she wanted to do that. We waited in line from trunk to trunk for a whole hour, got meh candy, got to get inside emergency vehicles (that was cool), got to see a lot of other people’s costumes (also really fun), but mostly it was waiting. Standing mostly still. And then the advertised time came for it to be over, even as people were still waiting in line, tables and cars all broke down and started leaving us in a sad, barren lot. We went trick or treating for the main event after all, and got excellent candy, saw all kinds of cool houses as we actively walked with a friend for as long as we wanted.
I listen to a podcast by a licensed therapist (Dr Laura Anderson, Sunday School Dropouts) who specializes in helping people recover from religious trauma, and honestly, she does argue that high control religion works a lot like the dynamics of abusive personal relationships. She also notes that when people are used to being shamed/coerced/guilted/etc for religious reasons, they’re more likely to accept abusive behaviors in personal relationships as well–it’s already normal stuff. And most of the arguments I’ve heard in favor of preserving child marriages comes from religious folks asking “what happens when a 15 year old gets pregnant, the baby needs both a father and a mother!” Instead of wanting to use investigation or nuance, child marriages are a quick fix to always complicated situations.
I’ve heard people argue for (age)x.5+7=not creepy. Seems moderately reasonable.
I wonder if all the schools and hospitals and government buildings having to close and/or evacuate due to bomb threats will be enough for the burden of proof. It’s not directly threatening language, but it certainly was a tangible, disruptive result.
I have no argument in general for you, you made good points. But it’s also so, so at odds with all the messaging around teen pregnancy that I remember so clearly growing up. Wait until you can afford it, wait until you have a career, a home, wait until you’re married… From basically 8+, my view of pregnancy was that it fucked up someone’s life.
But now, governments want their people to go against all that programming for absolutely no reward and more emotional manipulation (worrying about everything that these tiny humans need, worrying about staying alive and productive enough as one of only two people responsible for the tiny humans, etc). Wtf, why?
In Malala Yousafzai’s book, she credits the Taliban first getting into her community by coming through the radio. As an American, I’ve thought about that a lot over the years.
My local favorite is apple slices+bacon, it’s the best.
That’s so retro tho