• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Recently, some solid gold asshole tried to close one of the two nude beaches in our city by getting a playground installed on it (the nude beach is in the wealthy part of town, nestled between $6.2m dollar homes in a neighborhood that only recently become staggeringly wealthy. The beach itself is tiny, but heavily used.

    Luckily, hundreds and hundreds of people showed up at the tiny community center, all in favor of protecting the nude beach. People were packed in, and a line stretched out deep into the lobby and out the main doors. They keep trying to close it, but people love it too much. Realistically, the city needs more nude beaches, not less. Beach goer cars line the neighborhood for blocks, and the park and bike racks are always completely full.

  • Pacific Drive is weird but really fun. It’s like DiRT meets CONTROL.

    I don’t think it needs another. It stands alone as a testament to an interesting game design that shouldn’t be watered down.

    I have yet to find another game that plays like Inscryption. It’s a deck builder, but wow, it has a story. Interestingly good game that I want more of.

    While Elite Dangerous is part of a genre, it is a rare game that is actually meant for lots of controller/J HOTAS methods and has shockingly deep gameplay. You can tell it was really meant for adept players, a rare style of games these days. I doubt we will see one like it for awhile, just due to the needs of consumers, the game engine, and the capital required to build a game of that size again.

  • Not currently, but I might temporarily move back with family as my lease is ending soon, and I want to save money for a house or condo. I also would rather not sign a lease on a small place, and be stuck with a tiny 1bd studio apartment when my fiancé moves in with me. But I also don’t want to throw a ton of cash away on a 2bd unnecessary.

    I wish rent wasn’t so insane. I blame most of the companies now using algorithmic rent to control vast swaths of housing here.

    Once I switch jobs and really know where my new career is taking me, I can really start looking at the housing market. Praying for a good housing crash, or a dip that causes Black Rock and the other investment firms to panic sell all their real estate ❤️

  • Playing outside a lot more, which was really fun. Hit the beach or swim docks and jumped off the highdives. Went camping. Bike adventures, etc. Lots more physical toys like nerf, Lego, beyblades, etc. CD music players, cassette music players, or MP3 music players, depending on the era.

    People on the metro buses would read the paper to pass the time, listen to music, or read a book.

    Back then, you could rent videos or games at a rental place, and there were many more physical hobby shops (there still are, but for live stuff, like aquariums now). Malls were a lot more alive and were true third places. Though even back then, I found people gorging themselves in a materialistic frenzy rather…distasteful. People still do it, just via Amazon and fast fashion online.

    The biggest things I remember were how chill people were, the ubiquity of newspapers, smoking and cigarette holders outside, a lack of really any graffiti, and people being incredibly chill and a bit more open. There were also like, zero bike lanes or rail, so everyone drove everywhere.

  • I think he really just had to get his rhythm going. Biden was never really a terrific public speaker even at the best of times (Or Obama was just like, absolutely world-class). He did get his promises out, though.

    At the end of the day, Biden could have just twerked on stage for 100 min, and I still would have voted for him, as long as he has a plan for the next four years. He’s actually gotten a shocking amount of good stuff done for the average american, though some of it, like rebuilt bridges, high tech factories and prescription caps, might be years away before we reap the full benefits.