Pronouns: They/Them

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023

  • Risks of medical intervention always should be weighed against risks of nonintervention. If there is a significant probability a child is trans, delaying puberty may be the least intrusive option. There is a chance of negative effects, like with all medical interventions, but if they are most likely trans forcing them to undergo puberty is much more likely to have long term negative effects (including suicidality). Why is this specific medical decision equivalent to kids having sex? Do you view other procedures, like deciding to have braces, the same way? What about much riskier treatments with a muddled short/long term prognosis, like some heart surgeries?

  • I use Chatgpt 3.5 both personally and at work for tip of the tongue questions, especially when I can’t think of a word. Sometimes as a starting point when I have trouble finding the answer to a question in Google. It can sometimes find an old movie that I vaguely remember based on my very poor descriptions too.

    For example: “what is the word for a sample of a species which is used to define the species” - tip of the tongue, holotype. “What is the block size for LTO-9 tape” - wasn’t getting a clear answer from forums and IBM documentation is kind of behind a wall, needed Chatgpt to realize there was no single block size for tape.

    It’s excellent for difficult to search things that can be quickly verified once you have an answer (important step, as it will give you garbage rather than say it doesn’t know something).

  • I had a client at a law firm who moved to a different city, but continued to remote into his computer at work. At some point someone moved it to some other spot in the building so they could have someone else use his desk, and he continued to use it without issue.

    Until one day it shut down, while he was in the middle of something very important and lawyery. No one at the firm was willing to look for it (as they were all lawyers), so we had to send a technician on site to just check each room until he spotted an old computer connected to power and Ethernet in the corner of a mail room.

    Some months later it happened again, in a the middle of another important time sensitive lawyer thing. Except now he had two headless computers which he used both of (an old computer and a new one he was migrating to), and he still didn’t know where they were physically. Luckily there was a intern on site to do the search this time, but it took some time to figure out which was which when we did locate them.