Patient of a saint right here.
Patient of a saint right here.
Yeah. I don’t actually remember anything they might have said though that reminds me: Do you have a good spaghetti recipe? Cause I’m somehow seeing a correlation between people being jerks and spaghetti right now.
Don’t worry, everyone else. We will actually return to the original topic in about 15 minutes.
So look, I am not trying to talk down to you or make you feel inferior. The reason I use words with WAY too many syllables tucked into precisely worded sentence structures is because my fucking brain decided it didn’t want to remember the normal damn way of saying it.
Also, our brains glitch. As in it literally feels like some wires crossed. Due to this some situations/days/hours can be torture. Please be kind.
Depends. Are we also depressed? Is there actual anxiety tied in with that flippant apparent physical lethargy? How hot is this fire?
If you want us to do something with some consistency make us feel obligated or change it enough to keep it interesting.
I’m at a stage where I wouldn’t mind a job that kills some of my love for something, like IT which I do have a passion for, in order to knock out the rest of my bills and build a safety net. One year at that rate would dismantle the remaining bills plaguing me.
I don’t feel it’ll go anywhere either. Flip side is always whether people are having fun. People having fun rarely complain meaningfully. Meaaaning money still flows.
Obfuscation. Corporate figures telling or giving people the option will hurt their feelings so they’ll stop playing. A player who quits is no longer a tier two type with the potential to spend money, so they’ll only do this if it becomes a PR nightmare that affects their bottom line.
It’s fine to ask your team to bear the burden with appropriate compensation on a timeline of hiring to build out a longer, more sustained work week. Do it right and you’ll even gain respect, just gotta follow-thru and be open and honest about the difficulties, while acknowledging and working with your team. Then also be present consistently during this transition phase and either help if you can, or stay out of the way if you can’t.
Problem is we know this isn’t how it’ll go down.
This will be a popularity polling sort of case. The prosecutor probably won’t go after her, though the probation thing throws a stick in the old spokes.
Easy: People within its ranks will begin to make choices. Not necessarily take action, just make choices. If things continue small insubordinations will occur and eventually rifts at nearly every level.
If things got really bad the military would split into three:
If this happens it will be a test of the quality of leadership on both major sides. A fundamental breaking of the chain. It’s why Trump wants to replace current military leadership: They’ve told him no. A pattern we’ll continue to see for at least two years.
Since this post is going to be around for a couple days anyone with more knowledge than myself wanna chime in on the actual best VPNs your average individual could look into accessing?
I honestly can’t decide what would be worse for profits. The mod update is hugely well known.
Given the atmosphere around just about everything corporate, I feel they should take a small loss here for the brand and release alongside the mod, or after it, or whatever. Good PR move that should make people want to buy the game in good faith.
The only issue is this is Oblivion. That’s a dedicated fanbase only beaten by the rabid battalions that want another Morrowind.
I’m fine with that. Let them remake it worse than the modding team under Rebel. So long as they don’t stop the mod from being released, that is, because that would be a dick move after openly giving it permission to continue.
That’s the danger: We already expect it to be higher and will sit back if it creeps up. All the while saying, “Yeah, that checks out.”
RIP, my friend. I’m sorry we couldn’t pull it off in the end. Hopefully things won’t turn out as bad as we fear. It’s a small chance, though we may even exit this time of turmoil better than we were.
Once again you’re wrong and you’re clearly stuck, refusing to actually listen. It’s all outlined. At this point I’d just be repeating myself. Not everything is black and white, there are nuances in the grey. Figure it out.
“Genocide Joe”. This cycle the only people who called him that were individuals who wouldn’t vote for him. Typically single issue Gaza voters. That and what you’ve said makes me believe you either abstained from voting, or voted third party, maybe even voted Trump though that is less likely.
If I’m right then you are part of the problem. In situations like this last election, the status quo, which has shown it will budge and move at least a bit, is much better than a party who has literally been recorded saying incredibly malicious and evil things, nevermind what Trump has claimed. This is a worst case scenario. It’s a valley where incredible change can happen in either direction and voters like you are a direct cause of this. Just look at how you repeated the same tired arguments three times in your replies. Ones you’ve probably repeated a hundred times, “Don’t vote for Genocide Joe”.
Okay, at the risk of being censored: You’re actually being stupid.
We do NOT support the current Democrats, nor the party, nor their way of doing things. We supported trying to make sure Trump did not get a second term by standing beside the only candidate(s) that had a chance because there wasn’t anyone else. So stop for a second and think because it’s clear you’re a single issue voter: You can’t stop repeating the same faulty freaking logic.
Then is not now.
Then does not mean we supported them.
We wanted a better world. Days where we don’t have to worry so much. We support Gaza and Ukraine.
If this and much, much more means supporting the opponent of a would-be dictator, then we fucking do so. That’s the difference. WE SAW THE BIGGER PICTURE and did what we had to do.
It was what had to be done. The Dems fucked up their messaging. However, people like you chose to fuck our home and possibly the world to greater and lesser degrees because you stand so damned fucking stalwart it’s like trying to convince a brick wall to fall over with kind words of encouragement. If I live through these next four years I hope to be a part of the team that writes the history books. If I am I’ll make sure to cite people like you, @MisterScruffy , for your contribution towards tyranny and dictatorship.
And for the record: Yes, I’m pissed. Not at you, you’re dumb. At what brought us to this point.
Reminder that while these tariffs are the big news item, focus extremely hard on what isn’t being today. Work within your communities and harass the fuck out of your politicians, Republican AND Democrat. Maintenance will be the word for at least two years.