I an equally intolerant towards what’s happening as European. (also im veeeery progressive)
But isn’t calling them fascists more adequate? Since n%*is where distinct to an ideology vs jews for example.
I see that mr bust did the salute, but I’ve also seen an article about a neo fascism group called dark enlightenment. That should be the group we’re talking about here.
Curious how you guys see it
(Didn’t read the article)
You’re being detained by a foreign state and your country gets your back by “adjusting traveling recommendations”
haha I’m sure Germany is acting here but the summary reads funny
It’s been very wholesome so far.
Thank you :)
Yeah this is where I’m coming from. I ofc don’t like the evolution of reddit and didn’t want anything in that sense.
But the traction in casual themes seems lacking. Like ofc it will be less and smaller. But I feel like some branches are completely missing while others seem so dry.
That’s the thing being a small community with a direct monopoly. The unique selling point (USP) needs to be so clear for users.
But I think we should keep repeating these posts, even if there’s no traction. We are laying the ground work in that sense. And one person reacting to the fifth post is what it’s all about. It’s the content to be put out there.
So I think you succeeded with your music thread! It’s just the expectation is on the wrong metric here, keep going. WILLYA?
That’s where I’m coming from with my fetching topic. Not because I like the current reddit, but because subs like Harley quinn need stuff for browsing majority to interact with!
Region as in the @handle behind our username?
Or do you mean all the different subs by regions
Killem with kindness
Ye im still somewhat looking into reddit (also to just realize what similar communities I should follow here)
There’s just so many whack websites as basis for discussion. Like newsgeek or other tabloids and people act like it’s the most official matter.
Feels like everyone only reads the headline and starts mashing their keyboards. And your reception tends to be less text = lie. The recent behavior and interaction feels similar to today’s Twitter in terms of rage induction, just for nerds
I see, is lemmy also a site then? I’d call mastodon/pixelfed other “platforms” (as in different content format and use focus) and lemmy/feddit “sites” (different sub owners that all can interact with each other)
Did I get this right? 😁
Exactly, that’s why I what I tried saying. Chicken and egg, I want to help with both within my reach
But most that migrate won’t stick unless they get a unique selling point(USP) out of it.
And I see it as a non silicon valley possessed platform, that has even more options to configure the experience to your liking(ie ui skins, at least for me there’s a couple through feddit)
But also there needs to be a at least some daily posts on most subs for new people to interact with. Most just browse and if there’s nothing to browse (or if it’s too hidden), most will just switch back again sooner or later.
But I’m talking with a day of experience… I still haven’t seen the light of posts yet I feel like
What User numbers are we talking? Of each sub/platform? Or like total? Because I can saw how many members a sub on feddit has for example
Wait there’s pretty girls? I like talking to pretty girls
EDIT: jokes aside that analogy didn’t reach me, and as you prophesied I am confuseth rn
Thank you (and all the different responses) very much for the detailed explanations!!!
EDIT: so for extra stupid people like me: how do I differentiate between feddit and lemmy and all the subs?
I hope it ends up being flipped upside down for profit like the Meta platforms.
It’s all small video posts although their essence was connecting with friends and exhibiting pictures/memory/photography. Now these use cases are actively changed into smartphone zombie habits through their UX.
I hope reddit will follow the same fate and this platform here will be the new forums-for-everyone and all the useful questions will be found through fediverse when entering your hyper specific search engine request
But currently I haven’t found my communities yet and most of which are kinda inactive. Some having only a monthly post, others even none at all
good riddance, sillicon valley has way too much power over information flow
the more diverse the platforms the better. Also I really like the reskins of this platform! Makes the interface so customizable to your preferences
Welcome on the site <3 (Im also a new ex-redditor - check my latest comment on profile for my story)
had like 80k karma & original content posted over the years, but in the end: Gave me energy to join this community here and transfer.
Good riddance. Less american now, F Sillicon Valley more power to the people
cool, looks like the old reddit layout. Thanks for sharing