Inbred: chaorace’s family has been a bit too familiar. (Can be inherited)


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I don’t say this as a disagreement, but rather just a factchecking exercise: “white phosphorus” isn’t synonymous with “war crime” in the way that weapons like cluster bombs are. This is to say that it’s possible to use in ways that are compliant with the international rules of war, unlike a many chemical weapons and the aforementioned cluster bombs.

    Again, to be crystal clear: I am not on team human immolation. We all know that it is strategically impossible to deploy phosphorus in one of the most densely populated regions on Earth without deliberately choosing to immolate civilians. My hangup here is that the gravity of the situation will not be conveyed to a skeptic if you don’t spell out the facts in exacting detail: on October 11th, Israel deployed an airburst of white phosphorus over Gaza city. White phosphorus deployed on a city with a population density of 21,000/sq. mile. Big time classic warcrime.

  • I’m particularly amused by the pro-NVIDIA “it just works” comments. Compared to what exactly? With AMD, the 3D acceleration driver is bundled directly into VESA, so it’s already ready & working before even the first-boot of almost all desktop distros. That’s how drivers are supposed to work on Linux and it has taken NVIDIA 10+ years (and counting…) to get with the basic program.

    I applaud the long overdue decision to move their proprietary firmware directly onto the card and making the rest of the kernel driver open-source, but I’ll remind you folks of a few things:

    • The open source driver is still in an alpha with no timeline for a stable release
    • NVIDIA has so far elected to control their own driver releases instead of incorporating 3D acceleration support into VESA

    NVIDIA had to be dragged screaming to go this far and they’re still not up to scratch. There’s still plenty of fuel left in the “Fuck NVIDIA” gastank.