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Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • It very much is plausible. Source: I live in a country that has been considered the “safest country on the world” a few times (that’s Portugal if you’re curious).

    You can get into fist fights in the night zones et all and police officers are not going to care about it. Unless someone is caught in the act, nobody is going to do much as long as nothing is anywhere near lethal.

    But the moment anyone has a knife, that’s going to be a trip with the officers and ends up on record. Being caught with a gun without a very good excuse is the end of the line. High chance you get to serve time over it, just for having a gun. Or anything else really.

    Knuckles? Pepper spray? Stun gun? You’re likely to serve time over that. Very least, community service.

    And it… Just… Works? Every time anyone annoying comes by asking for anything you can just carry on, completely ignoring the person. What exactly can they do?

    A good part of those annoying fellas do so because of tourists. They know that if they sound threatening to tourists, some of them will think that they’re being robbed. They’re not. Just carry on with your life that you’re fairly guaranteed that there no such thing as a weapon anywhere close.

  • I’m not so sure that standard human nature is that prevalent in some countries, independently of guns.

    In Switzerland everyone has guns and weirdos are not much of a thing. People aren’t even carrying them. It would be a weirdo has gun Vs you have no gun. However, given that it is publicly known that any misuse of the said guns is gravely punished (and that they treat properly people with mental health issues) that’s not a common thing.

    You say you prefer relatively less armed weirdos. However prefer the solution where both of you can have lethal weapons and have to provide no justification whatsoever to carry them.

    You: “Mr. officer, That hat guy, he tried to assault me, he has a gun”.
    Off: “Did you?”.
    Guy: “Nope”.
    Off: “Do you have any proof or witnesses?”.
    You: “Nope”.
    Off: “Both free to go”

    In a no-guns country it goes like You: “Mr. officer, That hat guy, he tried to assault me, he has a knife”.
    Off: [checks for knife] “Come with me”

  • And how come the crazies exist nonetheless and do all that kind of stuff somewhat independently of other people being armed?

    Also, these same crazies, in other countries, tend to be unarmed (besides kitchen weapons). Would you prefer to defend against one with a gun or one with a knife?

    If someone in those countries is caught in shady circumstances carrying any sort of substantial blade, that person is in trouble. If someone in a “freedom country” is caught carrying a gun under the same shady circumstances, that person walks free as that’s not illegal by itself.

  • These last year’s of fighting were not exclusively done by volunteers and patriots at all.

    Source: Gave a place to stay to a men (28yo) dodging the draft, weeks after the war started. He told me that his friends were either hiding in some grandpa house, pretending that they never knew about any draft invite, or straight up ran to some other country (some of them bribing border guards in the process).

    These situations happened in 2022, not now. You can probably imagine that this is far from “with volunteers”. A lot of these were caught (or didn’t hide in the first place) and were sent to some army outpost.

  • When the likely outcome is death, most people don’t want to fight. If people were just allowed to flee to some other country, not only the bully country gets a free and repeatable pass but the neighbouring countries get some immigration crisis which lead to not-so-fun rhetorics.

    The Finns were some of the most vigorous defenders in history, but if they just had the option of moving en mass to Sweden, consequence-free, they probably would. If that was to be the case every decade or so, today’s Russia would be bigger than the USSR ever was and without any republic whatsoever, only Russians given that everyone else fled. They have quite the history of chomping territory; that’s how they got this big to start with.

    You probably understand that this wouldn’t fly. That the other countries wouldn’t allow it to happen anyway. But at the end of the day, you need boots on the ground to do anything about it.

  • Everyone considers stealing wrong. Everyone condemns big fat pigs robbing millions from the financial system wrong. If I had to place a bet, most people would of they had the chance. The fact people are hypocritical doesn’t mean it is not condemnable. DiCaprio is a piece of shit in a lot of people’s mind, just not in the judicial system.

    No shit that a lot of middle-aged or maybe elderly man would enjoy 16 year old teasing them. Not so much for woman but if I had to bet it would happen as well. Our sex drive plays a lot here. Back in the we’re animals in nature thingy, putting dicks into young women was almost always a “good thing”; propagating genes and stuff. Just so happens that we’re trying not to behave like wild beasts anymore.

    The brain would ideally be fully matured before one is to take life-long decisions, however 25 years is an awful lot of time. My armchair sociologist says that people would not tolerate that for the same reason people do not tolerate expecting for their kids to be 25 before allowing them to cross the road by themselves. Maturity is not a linear thing. At the age of 5 you’ll try to kill yourself every now and then. At the age of 10 you barely do that. 18 is an arbitrary line, yes, because it is believed that most people at that age are able to figure life long decisions well-enough. People still get some sparks of development after 18, but it is nowhere compared to the 5-10 or the 10-15.

    You state that age differences at the time were far more common. Well, at the time most marriages were arranged and considered plenty of things above the wellbeing of the brides.

    In any case, we’re working around my key argument. We’re all silly animals, but god and it’s prophets are supposed to be perfect. You can point a finger at them for that. Yes, fuck Francis. That guy is a piece of shit as well and points fairly well at the bullshit that Christianity is. This is not a anti-muslim rant; it is a “can we condemn condemnable people that were supposed to know what they were doing as they were ‘perfect’?”

  • That’s not the case in my western country but sure, hit that scarecrow. I personally know underage people dating 25-ish people.

    What is frowned upon is people in completely different levels of maturity creating a tremendous imbalance, and usually abuse. DiCaprio dating teens is not a “we stand on an equal footing and love each other” kind of thing, is a “I’m famous and will use this fact to mess with teenagers”.

    An elderly hardly has a healthy relationship with a teenager, and this is particularly true for arranged marriages.

    This western civilization thing of your already had that in the past. We stopped doing that rather recently as we figured it creates more trouble than not. Let’s not pretend that “western” is some sort of axiom that just appeared and not the product of the evolution of some society. Just like eastern societies have such evolutions in some aspects. For example some eastern civilisations figured that clean spaces are better and so they try real hard to try to keep them that way. Of course you’re free to argue that this cleanliness is not needed so it is a purely subjective thing of these societies and not necessarily better, but sociologists night disagree.

    As for “ok if the victim preforms the deed”, that’s irrelevant. The same criteria applies. Promoting healthier relationships promotes a healthier society. If some 14/yo teenager is obsessed with dating way older men for whatever reason, chances are people are going to judge it, legal or not, no matter the society.

  • I didn’t even specify any religion. I just said that god, any god, by definition, can’t evolve.

    This ain’t Hercules adventures where gods are just sky humans with perks. Mainstream gods (&co) are all perfect in their “mysterious ways”.

    As such, if a prophet was into pedophilia, then either pedophilia is right (which I personally find odd… but them I’m merely human…) or that prophet wasn’t exactly the most exemplary lad.

    Whatever the case, people’s lives are worth of dignity, be it Palestinians, Israelis, South Africans or Santa. That’s not what I was arguing against at all. We can defend people while, at the same time, pointing the finger out at some bullshit they do.

    The west is also full of bullshit. So what? We can also point the finger at that. Be my guest. I never said that we were perfect.

  • I don’t think you’re envisioning physics in many of these situations. Might not be the case in Barcelona which is pretty big and growable but let me give you another example to point out why that generalization doesn’t stick. I’m from nearby Sesimbra, a 5k pop village in a very very cool-looking place.

    If I had to bet, Sesimbra receives like 50k tourists a month, many of which want to stay in hotels and tents and illegal caravans. If one expands Sesimbra, the beauty of the place gets destroyed for everyone. If one does not, the fisherman (yes, it is a fishing village) are now competing with 50k other fellas for land, in a village that can’t sustain any other industry.

    Even if you tax the hell of tourists and only a fifth keeps going, that is already too many. It literally is destroying both the nature and the livelihood of people that were there for centuries.

    I get the idea that people want to see fancy places and we don’t have that many Sesimbras in the world, but this massification is basically forbidding people from living anywhere that happens to be pretty and has a good weather. The richer tourists stay in the hotels (which lay on top of bulldozed homes) and the locals are now 20km away because physics couldn’t care less. 50k ain’t gonna stay in that tiny valley, people do not fit.

    We have huge chunks of the coastal dunes destroyed (and those take a long time to recover) because of such misuse and overuse. Everyone wants to go to the beach and everyone wants to have resorts or whatever, and yet the places and the populations are taking very hard beatings. No amount of policy making solves some of those situations given that you can’t just have quotas of people allowed to visit a city within the EU. The entire region of Algarve is a disaster.

    And yes, there are airports with tourist taxes, but Portugal doesn’t have all that many airports. These villages (Sesimbra, Sintra, Ericeira…) are serviced by the same airport as Lisbon. Can’t hit tourists with a tax without hitting businesses and others.

  • You just happen to be conflating hard limitations of a physical substance with arbitrary soft limitations. Of course you cant replace chips with sand despite both having a % of silicon. Those are entirely different things.

    Wine and gasoline aren’t the same thing at all, they just happen to have one common element in their composition.

    The iPad and a computer ARE the same thing. The label is something the brand puts on, it is not an hard limitation of the universe.

    I personally don’t care if IKEA says that their bedroom furniture is for the bedroom. If I decide to use it as living room furniture I can and IKEA should not have a say, however they probably would if they could.

    Brands like to have that weird control when they can, generally not in worries we’re doing something weird with stuff but for some strategic benefit, such as not cannibalising sales of something else.

    If IKEA could bind pieces of furniture to types of room, you’d be more likely to have to buy more furniture over your lifetime. It would also maybe prevent them from having to comply with some regulation with the “our furniture is not furniture, is an… habitational support”! argument.

  • They partially solve the fuel and the bad air problems. In exchange they damage roads way more (I recall reading that the damage is proportional to the vehicle weight to the fourth power, probably with some more nuance) and that also creates substantially more rubber micro particle pollution. They also happen to be more dangerous in the event of a crash. Plus the additional challenges with grid load, which some people dismiss with silly ideas like having said cars act like load balancers (that would be a mess to scale).

    In most cases, EVs are not a solution to mobility, they are a solution to save the car industry from real solutions to climate change, namely spamming trams, trains and buses (in sparse locations) all over the place.

  • Has it occurred you that they do not want it at all? Tourism money is not a blessing. It results in terrible jobs that pay miserably and prevents better jobs from appearing as the living costs skyrocket.

    Tourist season begins and boom, surge of 110% minimum-wage jobs. 6 months later, everyone is fired and invited to live 6 more months off the sun. People are pretty fed up with this new form of bellow-minimum-wage slavery you can’t possibly imagine.

    Source: Engineer who lives in Lisbon and does not need to submit to it but still needs to pay 150% minimum wage for rent. There isn’t a single person besides bribed politicians and tourism-related business owners who wants this.

  • Simple reason being that there’s no notoriously good OS for Samsung phones.

    Graphene is highly focused on not being annoying while keeping privacy intact. You can, for example, have Google Play Services, within a sandbox. Everything can be denied network access, or any access really, on a per app basis.

    It also relies on Google’s security chip to keep the chain of trust intact. The boot sequence and your private keys are kept intact that way. Not everyone documents and opens their hardware as well as Google. Samsung is notoriously terrible and full of it when it comes to allowing you to do your own thing.