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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 19th, 2024


  • It’s hard when living in a panopticon. Even the smallest PDs have thermal drones, night vision, fully automatic weapons, ALPRs, facial recognition, security cameras tracking you from the nextdoor neighbor’s Ring to the network of cameras at every turn in a population center. Anyone that tries to make the world a better place in that way also throws away their own life. And that’s if you never use a computer.

    Right now, the best use of the second amendment is keeping some weapon in a safe until the purges begin. Trans people will be probably be their first target. Then the LGBs, then anyone whose medical record reflects an abortion or adjacent procedure…

    Things Christian Nationalists have already put into the record:

    Day 1 Trump becomes a dictator; Day 1 insurrection act martial law; Replace the DOJ and FBI with loyalists to go weaponize them against the presidents “enemies;” His non-followers are vermin instead of Americans; “We are domestic terrorists” banner at CPAC;

    Every authoritarian I can think of has tried to purge a population. It’s a way more common occurrence in human history than democracy. It’s just this time the recently unmasked fascists in Silicon Valley already know what every American’s political beliefs are and where they are at any given time.

  • If there are no TOS though, wouldn’t OP be in the clear? I was an intern at a state capitol a couple years and while we had secured user/print/PSK networks, the public network was just an unprotected SSID without a captive portal - you just join.

    I didn’t think about it at the time, but it seems wild to have that setup in 2024. Piqued, I just looked it up and unless they’ve added a captive portal with a TOS to agree to, it looks like this is the only governing statement:

    Wireless Internet access is provided for the public at the Connecticut General Assembly (CGA) campus. This includes the State Capitol Building, the Legislative Office Building (LOB), and the Old State House (OSH). This wireless service is protected by virus and malware protection systems. Objectionable advertising, pornography, spyware, viruses, and other inappropriate content is blocked. To utilize the Internet, simply connect your device to the CGA_Guest wireless network.

    It reads to me like In that increasingly rare scenario that a raspberry pi advertising an exit node isn’t considered different from Joe’s laptop or Jane’s phone.