“That’s how I knew it was the first day; wig-twisting season, where folks can get they wigs twisted back, within reason”

they/them || https://readsettlers.org || No compromise, no retreat. || I don’t debate crackers, I just drag 'em

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023

  • Yeah, you get downvoted because we don’t waste breath on transphobes. Genetics has already been accepted by actual scientists, rather than by Quora Top Minds as a spectrum.

    Read a book, read an article, read something you absolute regress

    In case you're too lazy to click a link:

    In an additional layer of complexity, the gender with which a person identifies does not always align with the sex they* are assigned at birth, and they may not be wholly male or female. The more we learn about sex and gender, the more these attributes appear to exist on a spectrum.

  • I think black people put too much stock in celebrities and what they’ll do for the black community.

    Nah deadass. Black capitalists have done nothing but mislead ever since Sean Carter put a sixth zero next to his net worth; and that goes the same for Sean Combs(who is in SO much legal hot water I expect him to boil by the end of the month), for Beyoncé, for Rihanna, for Michael Render, all of 'em. Black capitalism is just minstrelry and misleadership; and Black Excellence™ is just Talented Tenth-assed classism with a fresh coat of paint.

  • As far as I understand (might be missing nuance, 'cause it was 80s/90s AAVE in the first place) it’s someone who puts the homies aside over chasing a romance, especially if the romantic interest is considered unworthy/‘for the streets’ or if the homies consider what you’re chasing to be unrequited

    Basically a person who marks out for someone who probably doesn’t gaf about them

  • That Amerikans don’t deserve any special consideration, and in fact, deserve a Century of Humiliation where the odious “please collaborate in our genocide so the cryptofascist oligarchy Democracy™ that anglo-saxon, protestant-descended magnates and a small fraction of uplifted misleaders we All™ enjoy will be saved!” brainworm is concerned.

    Yes. My principles do matter to me more than you do at this point if you’re going to look me in the face and tell me I have to support a genocider, all so you (or whatever minority you’re about to only care about long enough to use as a cudgel) can remain comfortable.

  • Are we supposed to be so virtuous that we allow Republicans to kill all of us just so we die with the Palestinians that no matter who we elect will die!?

    Translation: “I’ve already acquiesced to the idea that one way or the other, the flag I eagerly uplift is going to literally inflict genocide upon a sovereign nation for natural gas resources and the allowance of an illegitimate, blatantly-supremacist nationstate to build itself atop those sovereign bodies the exact same way Amerika did to the natives, and I see nothing wrong with that so long as my comfort is preserved”

    You and everyone like you fucking disgust me. Death to the settler empire, worse to those who uplift it.

    We can talk in 2028 when we actually have a say again in who is running,

    “just one more genocider guys I swear, just one more mass murderer; just four more years of settler bullshit” y’all run this exact same play every four fucking years like clockwork you disgust me. I can smell the compatibility on you you dog