He’s already started with the rants against the network to create the excuse for him fucking this up. Everything that doesn’t go his way is always someone else’s fault. Most toddlers are more mature and accountable.
He’s already started with the rants against the network to create the excuse for him fucking this up. Everything that doesn’t go his way is always someone else’s fault. Most toddlers are more mature and accountable.
They have burned out their own bullshit.
When every single opponent is the most radical left extremist who ever walked the face of the earth, it becomes meaningless ramblings even to their base. Just like crooked Hilary, Obama, Biden, Harris.
Wasn’t Gooch Gary Coleman’s bully on Different Strokes?
Look at mister fancy pants with and assembler.
How about entering straight opcode, operand with only a hex keypad and two pairs of 7 segment LEDs. You can only see one set of numbers at a time. You had to write it out on paper to be able to keep track and count positions so you don’t use your spot.
I had to do this as a project in school. Two 8088 units that we breadboarded to a UART that we used to drive a fiber optic link to communicate with each other with a basic protocol. All descrete components hand wired and coded.
It made you tie all of skills together into a full system of hardware and software.
The LED elements last a lifetime, but the driver transistors burn out as frequently as traditional bulbs
This seems the most likely reason. It is sort of like they teach in first aid. You don’t say someone call 911 because everyone thinks someone else will. You need to tell one person directly.
The problem here is that it is not a group of untrained bystanders stumbling upon a surprise emergency. There is supposed to be a pre-established chain of command and group to take these reports and ensure that they are investigated.
Hell, I was part of events where governors made appearances, and the county had their communication command post setup and even gave radios and a briefing to our volunteers at gates and all of the area leads to report anything directly to the command post.
You have mistakenly assumed that the GOP wants or cares about democracy.
Forget about the content. If any company spam text/emails me about any political bullshit I’ll ban/boycott them just for wasting my fucking time. Fuck spammers.
Being a reporter for The Onion gets harder every day with these chuckle fucks turning your material into real life.
All of the Trump rally photos that I have ever seen have an audience behind him. If they did the same here, then any missed shots would go into the audience.
The upgrade looks like a pain in the ass
The face eating leopard’s mouth is watering.
crime involving moral turpitude
Moral turpitude laws are puritan christian bullshit that should not exist.
But since they do, me might as well use them to unleash the face eating leopards.
Any training needs to be tailored to age.
Training for 5 year olds should be mostly about thinking about not putting themselves in danger, recognizing when somebody needs help, and getting help.
As for high school age you can get certified as an EMT at 16, so high school age can handle this type of class.
H1B requires that companies show that no qualified Americans could be found, so those listings are written so nobody could or would want to apply. Stuff like 10 years experience in software released 5 years ago, entry level job/pay requiring a masters degree, etc.
What this sounds like is legit listings, but done to give the outward appearance that company is strong/growing and to scare current workers into thinking that they will get replaced if they are not killing themselves slaving away.
Rule of 3’s. You can go 3min without oxygen, 3 hrs without shelter, 3 days without water, and 30 days without food. It is a bit of generalization, but its close enough to set priorities in survival situations.
They had a big library, but not the user base. They were definitely not maintaining anywhere near the infrastructure and bandwidth of major streaming platforms. Netflix claims 260 million users. It’s not hard to get a giant catalog when you dont have to pay for it.
Most homes in the US get their electricity via arial lines on poles vs. Europe, which buries a lot of the electrical lines.
Wires on poles go do virtually every time that there is any sort of storm. Especially in areas with lots of trees.
Just wait until they track your phone in the stores and tie it to demographics like where you live and profession to build a financial profile to estimate how much you are able to pay. As you walk down aisles, the prices change to your price to gouge out every possible penny from you.
This is great until your job outgrows a single computer or you want to have redundancy. Also, chains of bash tools don’t have the best error management when something chokes in one of the middle steps in the pipe. You can still leverage simple bash tools for a lot of the under the hood stuff, but you start needing something more to act as the glue petty quickly when you scale. KISS should still apply.