Yes. One place in space has different temperatures. I would assume even individual particles are not distributed by a Maxwell distribution, so the concept of temperature is hard to apply. The background radiation has one temperature. If you add the sun, however, you already have a problem as the sun radiation is not in thermal equilibrium. So depending on how you look at it, you get different temperatures. The particles have a high energy, so also a high temperature. But they are so rare, that radiation is the dominant mode of heat transfer and determines the temperature of a thermometer placed in space.
When there is only 50% totality, photovoltaic also makes 50% less. You just do not notice it when looking around, because your eyes adjust to the changed brightness. So a photovoltaic produces less for a longer time. What I found, for the 2017 eclipse, was that around 16GW were impacted with at most a reduction of 5GW in one moment.