U can write sql against the search history db i believe
U can write sql against the search history db i believe
Why would lemmy know?
Did you know read the room is a euphemism for shut the fuck up, fall in line and be normal like everyone else. Quite fitting for the topic and hand hey?
Not always a good thing to fall in line the german population learned that the hard way. But dont worry im sure uve got 6million ways to weasel ur way out of this predicament.
Yes insert the whatever its called rule here.
So i can call myself the worlds most retarded retard?
Im not sure if ur retarded for disagreeing with the words dont hurt line or based for saying retarded.
Wait wait wait. You want to police language while equating the use of a WORD to rape? Do you realise how moronic that is (btw moron means practically the same thing as retard).
Is idiot or moron a slur?
We have actuall police because the state must maintain its monopoly on violence. Language is not violent we therefore have no reason to police it (other than authoritarian bs).
By non violent i mean no cp, and no actionable calls for violence. Anything else is fair game imo.
Unlike you im not vein enough to care if people online disagree with me surly this whole thread is proof of that.
Idiot is 14c Moron 1922 Retard 1950-1960
So all 3 are ages ago moron and retard are very simmillar why is it acceptabpe to say moron and not retard?
https://www.etymonline.com/word/retard https://www.etymonline.com/word/moron https://www.etymonline.com/word/idiot
But the definition of retard includes idiot. All 3 words refer to very simmilalr if not the same mental disability. This seems like just pucking and choosing what words are offensive for zero reason whatsoever. How us this not doublethink?
Pls define what u mean by generalised?
Thats my take but ive been banned for calling myself retarded in a comment so idk.
Im not pretending i want a consensus. Im here for the discussion so we can all talk out our sides and see where we come to. And if we where to only include the opinions of the retards themselves (those brave enough to identify themselves in this comment thread) then the consensus would be that its fine to say it.
Not me but…
Ive heard the prison wallet is pretty secure but accessibility might not be the greatest.
But a black man still has the right to use the N word, and they do. Why can’t I use the word retarded? I’m fucking retarded. Why can’t I say retarded?
First and third paragraphs are irrelevant to the conversation and mostly just act as anecdote.
Second, you hit the nail right on the head. Lemmy is the ultimate embodiment of free speech, of the liberty of the individual to do as they choose.
That means said, I still think the removal of people’s non-violent language does not inbody the personal liberty that I think lemmy should hold. I don’t think admins and mods should remove language simply because someone said retarded. I think that choice should be left up to the individual to block someone if they don’t want to see their content. Ultimately that will maximise the amount of liberty for every individual. Is this not the gold?
nuanced, fair, and balanced reasonable point, who are you and what did you do with the rest of Lemmy?
Its my pleasure to help