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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Revisiting this many weeks later: what do you think of the idea of super users who can be delegated an ability to silence/quarantine other posters?





    Maybe if they only had the ability to flag a user and put them in "time out, and it couldn’t stack or be consecutive from one superuser, etc?

    I dunno. It might be a good way to help police the content without making people volunteer to be full on mods. And it can be treated as a semi privileged role, that expires are X months and only X number ofnactive users in good standing can have at once?

    A little complex to implement, but it might at least let mods crowdsource the task of stemming the worst of things.

  • Yes.

    They will often display prompts while driving that are on a timer “suggesting” route changes or alternates and auto selecting yes.

    To abbreviate massively and not dox myself, this caused me serious financial harm as a road trip rerouted onto roads unsafe for my vehicle.

    I loathe Google and many tech companies for their sheer and ardent refusal to have proper customer service, or any method of customer feedback. A/B testing will never tell you that the top navigation directions should focus on the major high numbers and road names, not what road segment you are on. I need to know what lane to be in for my next turn in 5 miles, not how many times I will fade merge between segements only to have you finally tell me the lane when I’m a quarter mile away.

    Google Maps is fucking awful in so many ways that are inexcusable, and worst of all they were allowed to fucking buy more of their competitors. Right now Magic Earth is a distant also ran in this field, and due to Google’s massive proprietary features always will be without support.

    And I haven’t even mentioned how my map results are plastered with promoted ads and locations. Which is just useless and infuriating when I am searching for a specific placename.

  • No thank you.

    Nomura was literally the reason that vsXIII never finished, and languished in development hell for years until he was taken off the project and it was rebooted as XV under a new game director who had to salvage and reuse as much as he could from Nomura’s assets and work and put out a game. This is not to trash Nomura, but vs. XIII was a concept of a game, with tech demos, it but never a game built on a solid foundation.

    Nomura is talented in many ways, but he has let projects overwhelm him in the past, and seems best positioned as a producer or scenario and art lead rather than the game director.

  • This insane edgelord “all religion is bad so shut up about it” shit.

    There a literally billions of Muslims in the world. They are not all following their cults orders in lockstep, doing exactly what is said, holding one belief.

    You are vastly oversimplifying and grouping Sunni and Shia and Catholic and Protestant and Episcopalian and Jewish and Hindu and Sikh and Buddhist and Shinto all together.

    None of those groups move as one within their faith. None. Scientology does. Because Scientology is not “lol religion is the opitate of the masses” cult, Scientology is a LITERAL “we keep people imprisoned and torture them routinely and steal all our members income while we take their children from them” kind of literal cult. Not colloquial. Not from a certain point of view. This is their entire structure.

    The “gospel of prosperity” is almost a cult, arguably a cult of personality, but these people a literally physically free to do anything they want. They are manipulated into donating. Scientologists are blackmailed and, again, LITERALLY imprisoned within the groups of the groups facilities.

    One, is a “proverbial” cult, because it is manipulating the weak minded and is very sad and wrong too. One is a LITERAL cult. And these two things can both be bad while one can be CLEARLY more objectionable than the other.

  • See, by your logic, it’s okay if I am a anti-semite for example, just quietly.

    So long as I’m only funding and supporting my Anton Jew crusade off stage and off screen, and never writing a song that says “kill the Jews”, it’s okay to take all my money from those concerts and funnel it into my organization that manufactures gas chambers “just in case”.

    A quiet tolerance of racism, bigotry, and abuse, leads to its proliferation. Period.

    It’s not a witch hunt. Her organization is directly responsible for funding hate and attacks on innocent people. The money she earns from the band will fund this. It is perfectly reasonable to object to her being able to jump onto this band’s good reputation and use it to fund such efforts.

  • Then cut 4k content entirely. Downgrade to 720p.

    Do what must be done. Run the company like it was intended to be financially feasible without some future advertising innovation saving it.

    But once the product itself begins to actively repulse me, then I stop checking the website as much. Literally everyone I know right now in my immediate family and friend circle is looking or testing a Google alternative because of these reasons.

    When you enshittify the experience too much, no one wants it. I have YT premium, but parents who have YT TV due to poor coverage in their area, they don’t get YT premium. I don’t understand that.

    There is a give and take with advertising, you are right. But this is just beyond what I will tolerate. Pause screen ads and ads on my TV home screen are my line. That is my hardware, and that is a service I pay for. Absolutely not.

  • If you’re in prison for life, and you want to kill yourself because of gender dysphoria, providing you the medical care to avoid that is the humane thing to do. Period.

    If you are an immigrant detained for 6-12 months before deportation, the the odds of this applying to detained immigrants is near 0, but let’s say 1% it does, this would be tailored at ensuring they can have the drugs they require.

    Keeping people from shooting out the back of their fucking heads or swallowing a bottle of painkillers to end it all is always the humane choice.

    Don’t worry, we could fund it all by just not administering a few death penalties (those are more expensive than life imprisonment).

  • Dunno what to tell you, I have literally done this dozens of times this year alone, and plenty of years prior. I have seen the screen readouts, and again, the turnstile readout is seat and name. They can pull your group on the PC screen or a handheld scanner if they want, but most don’t or won’t. If you were trying to board first they might. Hence why I said second main boarding group, every time.

    man up and pay for a premium ticket

    With the way you are talking you seem to not understand how premium boarding works. Nothing about boarding groups is remotely about boarding efficiently. Literally not one bit of it. 0%. It is 100% point loyalty and status. They do not board back to front, nor do they board in staggered patterns to spread traffic, they board from front to back, starting with the higher status and going down. Zones are assigned again based on status of the flyer and seat position. You can be in Zone 1 while in sest 35F if you are right status and sometimes still get pushed to Zone 4 or 5 when sitting in Premium/comfort+.

    What I’m doing actually is less traffic overall. I specifically choose a seat in the rear of the plane for this reason. Zone two boards in front midsection. Again, boarding groups are not efficient, go watch a whole CGP Grey video on that if you don’t believe me, he talks about it for 20 minutes. But I’m getting situated, stowing my things, clearing aisle obstacles, and ready by the time anyone else gets to the rear, and all I have to do is let them in, which is considerably faster than the traffic jam that zone boarding causes from all passengers being in the same area at once. Everything I do happens simultaneously while the rest of the front midsection is a natural traffic disaster because everyone in one section is boarding at once. It is as inefficient as possible, and I’m playing no part in extending it. I don’t even stand in their section I blast straight through it to the back, where there is no one.

    Efficient boarding, without a literal line order, would be something like waves going from back to front staggered every third or 4th row. Zone 1A, 1B, 1C, etc. No airline does this. Because they want to sell you faster boarding. I’ve been on the highest status tiers at various times on 3 of the airlines, and again, nothing is different they just seat you first because your loyalty points regardless of position in the plane.

    I’ve flown millions of miles at this point across the 5 major airlines in the US (sadly still a few hundred thousand short on Delta because it’s not consolidated), and spent more than I care to think about for work travel. They will kick you back down to Zone 7 without a second thought, and none of it has to do with efficiency. And none of what I’ve said above slows anyone down. You’re buying into marketing schlock.

  • That’s why you crop it to just the QR code.

    The ticket scanner on most devices and stands displays only Name and Seat Assignment. Not zone. If you’ve, they can’t un-scan it.

    Walk up with the cropped QR code ready (try to leave some of the app background color as a border, just crop it so no text is cutoff and the zone is missing) and there is almost no chance they stop you and say “sorry I need you to reload your app so I can verify your zone”.

    They just scan it and move on. Walk with confidence and try it. I’ve done this literally dozens of times this year alone.

    If you walk up with a printed boarding pass, they might stop you if they see it in time. And if you use the app, same, it’s usually bold obvious text there.

    Worked on Delta, United, and AA this year. Won’t dox myself getting too specific, but multiple cross country flights with each. Always the middle or middle front of the second main boarding group.