absolutely correct… in australia, you respect the wildlife because it often has the ability to protect itself… its not like people die here every day from it
it has the potential to make a game actually saying “buy” somewhat more valuable, which perhaps could lead to a shift from “it’s easier to require online and there’s no down side” to “perhaps we should spend a little bit of time thinking about this to get 1% boost in sales”
rent implies a continued fee though - i’m not sure a once off fee to play a game that can be rendered useless at any time covers that? rent would be more like $10/mo rather than $100 for as long as the game is available
not to mention apparently there have been recent studies that predict the deorbiting of all the satellites is going to have drastic climate effects
Labour (with a u since it’s a proper noun from the UK) is named after trade unions; they’re the progressive party
<enter> * 20
i’d like to introduce you to your new best friend: reset… it doesn’t everything clear does and a LOT more
ukraine abstained because the US has them over a barrel
does ARM still have better battery life when all of the machine code has to be translated from x86
afaik macos/rosetta is more efficient than native windows/x86, but that could be down to OS integration, or any number of confounding factors… i’d suggest though that x86 windows applications sometimes run better and more efficiently on alternative platforms, even with the translation layers - whether that’s down to the instruction set or a combination of factors
afaik the anti cheat they added is one that’s known to work with linux, but you do have to do some extra stuff… i think valve worked with them to ensure it works on deck, and are probably now working through the steps with rockstar to ensure it’s as easy as possible for them
original comment still stands:
I’m not sure it’s devil’s advocate: I work with computers for 40 hours a week. There’s no way that I want to put any effort into a computer in my personal time
this is not linux and android. this is apple
in the context of this comment - not putting any effort into a computer - customisation and workarounds are irrelevant
you’re completely right, but only bank sanctions are relevant to the majority of people, and really are bank sanctions relevant to most people???
however, that wasn’t the point you were making in your original comment
why don’t they get those other rights with enfranchisement?
ton of death machine?
because that endangers others too
Drinking age?
because alcohol negatively effects development
Age of consent for sex
because teenagers have sex anyway; making it illegal would only be harmful
there are no distros or combinations of software that come close to what mac/iphone/apple tv provide even WITH effort; let alone without. they have other benefits, but ease of integration is not one of them
the fact that we’re studying things properly now and regulating what terms and substances mean will almost certainly shake that out and find the specific cause/harmful quantity
anything is dangerous in high enough dose, but that doesn’t mean you stop doing beneficial things because it’s harmful at high dosage … if that were the case we wouldn’t have paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin - all much more harmful than CBD/THC at much lower dosages (and let’s not even talk about the harm of alcohol)
there are plenty of other delivery methods. our studies in australia are using CBD oil, THC oil, or you can choose to smoke it etc if you’d like… but afaik there are specific studies around using the oils and i can’t imagine if they’re found to be as effective they’d allow smoking - for the obvious reason that smoking being bad for your health, and the less obvious reason that smoking is, by the nature of having repetitive action, addictive
CBD and THC oil has definitely been good for me. it helps me sleep far far better! 0.1ml occasionally if i’m feeling like my brain just isn’t slowing down - maybe once per week on average, sometimes 2-3x if there’s a lot of stressful things going on
it’ll absolutely fade to the background - AI is phenomenal, but you should never know it exists… it should simply reduce human work by ruling out obvious issues, and at that job it does incredibly well
assuming AI is flawless is where our problems arise
oracles lawyers are pretty bad too
in star trek, humans invent warp drive in a ship based on an old missile after ww3