Quite a lot of people experience physical discomfort or pain from eating the things you listed.
A good portion of the world is lactose intolerant, justtpo point out an obvious one.
Meat can cause a “spike followed by a come down” effect somewhat similar to sugar in some people.
But what I think happens is that people dont make the connection between how they feel and their diet.
Would you say that an OS forced update type error like this is so rare that Delta didnt need to plan for it? If I understand you right, its not actually a problem that Delta used Windows for their servers, at least not to the point it would affect liability.
If Delta was the only airline who set up their infrastructure in this way, to the point it was markedly different than other companies, could they argue they essentially didnt protect at all?
I’m still having a lot of trouble figuring out how CrowdStrike would even assess a risk like this if the possible payment is based on how well a company recovers and how much income they lost.
I actually agree with your 70/30 split but unless Delta paid more than the other airlines to justify the pay out in damages, its still confusing to me how the amount CrowdStrike has to pay to some degree does depend on Deltas setup and restoration.
I think theres just not any better of a way to handle this and I’m searching for an answer that doesnt exist.