For me its the same. Everything i was looking for that i couldn‘t find on public trackers, I found on private trackers
For me its the same. Everything i was looking for that i couldn‘t find on public trackers, I found on private trackers
That x^0.5 is not the same as the square root of x
Tipping 15-20% sounds so crazy to me not beeing from the USA
His takes aren‘t bad either? Don‘t be silly
https://archive.ph/quYyb Guess you‘re right, fuck me man.
Do you have any sources for that?
Same. It felt like heaven and you just felt perfect all around. And that was just a dose of pain relief. I tried LSD last year which i enjoyed, so i‘m sort of open to try new drugs in a controlled environment. Opiated however, never. I was lucky to experience it in a controlled environment like the hospital to realise this drug is not for fun, it will make an addict of you.
Use the firefox browser on iphone? You could make an account that links passwords.
Tears actually also contain a form of opiate. So crying will make you feel better in that regard.
This is satire, right? I literally can‘t tell